
This is documentation for a beta release of Minecraft. New features, components, and capabilities in this release are not final and might change without notice before the final release.
Be sure to check the documentation once the release is out of beta if your add-on isn't working properly. Resource and Behavior Packs created for the beta are not guaranteed to work on the final release.


AI Goals


Allows this entity to avoid certain mob types.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types this mob avoids.
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
max_dist Decimal 0.0 Maximum distance to look for an entity
max_flee Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it should stop fleeing.
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for walking speed. 1.0 means keep the regular speed, while higher numbers make the walking speed faster
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for running speed. 1.0 means keep the regular speed, while higher numbers make the running speed faster
probability_per_strength Decimal 1.0 Determines how likely it is that this entity will stop avoiding another entity based on that entity's strength
ignore_visibility Boolean false If true, visbility between this entity and the mob type will not be checked.


Allows this mob to look at and follow the player that holds food they like.


Name Type Default Value Description
items List List of items that this mob likes
look_distance Decimal 8.0 Distance in blocks the mob will beg from
look_time Range [a, b] [2, 4] The range of time in seconds this mob will stare at the player holding a food they like, begging for it


Allows this mob to break doors.


Allows this mob to stomp turtle eggs


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 The distance in blocks it will look for turtle eggs to move towards
search_height Integer 1 Height in blocks the mob will look for turtle eggs to move towards
search_count Integer 10 The number of blocks each tick that the mob will check within it's search range and height for a valid block to move to. A value of 0 will have the mob check every block within range in one tick
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot
interval Integer 120 A random value to determine when to randomly move somewhere. This has a 1/interval chance to choose this goal


Allows this mob to breed with other mobs.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows this mob to charge and use their held item.


Name Type Default Value Description
items List The list of items that can be used to charge the held item.


Allows the mob to stay in the village and fight mobs hostile to the villagers.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types this mob considers a threat to the village
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more


Allows the mob to drink potions based on specified environment conditions.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_modifier 0.0
potions List A list of potions that this entity can drink. Each potion entry has the following parameters:
Name Type Default Value Description
id Integer -1 The registry ID of the potion to use
chance Decimal 1.0 The percent chance (from 0.0 to 1.0) of this potion being selected when searching for a potion to use.
filters Minecraft Filter The filters to use when determining if this potion can be selected.


Allows the mob to open and close doors.


Allows the mob to eat a block (for example, sheep eating grass).


Name Type Default Value Description
on_eat Trigger Trigger to fire when the mob eats a block of grass


allows a mob to explore the outskirts of a village


Name Type Default Value Description
wait_time Integer 0 The time the mob will stand around 'searching' for POIs
explore_dist Decimal 5.0 The distance in which the mob will proceed past the village bounds
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the mob to run away from direct sunlight and seek shade.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the mob to stay afloat while swimming.


Allows the mob to follow the player that owns them.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
start_distance Decimal 10.0 The distance in blocks that the owner can be away from this mob before it starts following it
stop_distance Decimal 2.0 The distance in blocks this mob will stop from its owner while following it


Allows the mob to follow their parent around.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the mob to follow mobs that are in a caravan.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
entity_count Integer 1 Number of entities that can be in the caravan
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types that this mob can follow in a caravan
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more


Allows the mob to follow other mobs.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
stop_distance Decimal 2.0 The distance in blocks this mob stops from the mob it is following
search_range Integer 0 The distance in blocks it will look for a mob to follow


Allows the mob to move back to the position they were spawned.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
interval Integer 120 A random value to determine when to randomly move somewhere. This has a 1/interval chance to choose this goal
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot
on_home String Event to run when this mob gets home.


Allows the mob to perform a damaging knockback that affects all nearby entities.


Name Type Default Value Description
duration Decimal 1.0 The duration of the roar (in seconds).
attack_time Decimal 0.5 The delay after which the knockback occurs (in seconds).
knockback_damage Integer 6 The damage dealt by the knockback roar.
knockback_strength Integer 4 The strength of the knockback.
knockback_range Integer 4 The radius (in blocks) of the knockback effect.
Trigger on_roar_end
cooldown_time Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds the mob has to wait before using the goal again


Allows the a mob to become scared when the weather outside is thundering


Name Type Default Value Description
sound_interval Integer 0 The interval in which a sound will play when active in a 1/delay chance to kick off


Allows the mob to move back into water when on land.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 The distance in blocks it will look for water to move towards
search_height Integer 1 Height in blocks the mob will look for water to move towards
search_count Integer 10 The number of blocks each tick that the mob will check within it's search range and height for a valid block to move to. A value of 0 will have the mob check every block within range in one tick
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows the mob to move back onto land when in water.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 The distance in blocks it will look for land to move towards
search_height Integer 1 Height in blocks the mob will look for land to move towards
search_count Integer 10 The number of blocks each tick that the mob will check within it's search range and height for a valid block to move to. A value of 0 will have the mob check every block within range in one tick
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows the mob to move to a POI if able to


Name Type Default Value Description
poi_type String Tells the goal what POI type it should be looking for
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the mob to move into a random location within a village.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows a mob with the hide component to attempt to move to - and hide at - an owned or nearby POI.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
timeout_cooldown Decimal 8.0 The cooldown time in seconds before the goal can be reused after a internal failure or timeout condition.
poi_type String Defines what POI type to hide at.
duration Decimal 1.0 Amount of time in seconds that the mob reacts.


allows the NPC to use their jobsite POI


Name Type Default Value Description
sound_delay_min Integer 0 The min interval in which a sound will play
sound_delay_max Integer 0 The max interval in which a sound will play
goal_cooldown Integer 0 The amount of ticks the goal will be on cooldown before it can be used again
active_time Integer 0 The amount of ticks the NPC will stay in their the work location
can_work_in_rain Boolean false If true, this entity can work when their jobsite POI is being rained on.
work_in_rain_tolerance Integer -1 If "can_work_in_rain" is false, this is the maximum number of ticks left in the goal where rain will not interrupt the goal
on_arrival String Event to run when the mob reaches their jobsite and finishes working.
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the mob to randomly break surface of the water.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
xz_dist Integer 10 Distance in blocks on ground that the mob will look for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
y_dist Integer 7 Distance in blocks that the mob will look up or down for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
interval Integer 120 A random value to determine when to randomly move somewhere. This has a 1/interval chance to choose this goal
cooldown_time Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds the mob has to wait before using the goal again


Allows the mob to check for and pursue the nearest valid target.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types that this mob considers valid targets
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Distance in blocks that the target can be within to launch an attack
attack_interval Integer 0 Time in seconds between attacks
must_see Boolean false If true, only entities in this mob's viewing range can be selected as targets
must_see_forget_duration Decimal 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
must_reach Boolean false If true, only entities that this mob can path to can be selected as targets
reselect_targets Boolean false If true, the target will change to the current closest entity whenever a different entity is closer
scan_interval Integer 10 How many ticks to wait between scanning for a target.
target_search_height Decimal -1.0f Height in blocks to search for a target mob. -1.0f means the height does not matter.
persist_time Decimal 0.0f Time in seconds for a valid target to stay targeted when it becomes and invalid target.


Allows the mob to target another mob that hurts them.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types that this mob can target when hurt by them
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
alert_same_type Boolean false If true, nearby mobs of the same type will be alerted about the damage
hurt_owner Boolean false If true, the mob will hurt its owner and other mobs with the same owner as itself


Allows the mob to target another mob that hurts their owner.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types that this mob can target if they hurt their owner
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more


Allows the mob to target a mob that is hurt by their owner.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types that this entity can target if the potential target is hurt by this mob's owner
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more


Allows the mob to lay an egg block on a sand block if the mob is pregnant.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 The distance in blocks it will look for a sand block to move towards
search_height Integer 1 Height in blocks the mob will look for sand block to move towards
search_count Integer 10 The number of blocks each tick that the mob will check within it's search range and height for a valid block to move to. A value of 0 will have the mob check every block within range in one tick
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot
on_lay String Event to run when this mob lays the egg.


Allows the mob to look at the player when the player is nearby.


Name Type Default Value Description
look_distance Decimal 8.0 The distance in blocks from which the entity will look at
probability Decimal 0.02 The probability of looking at the target. A value of 1.00 is 100%
look_time Range [a, b] [2, 4] Time range to look at the entity
angle_of_view_vertical Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the X-axis (left-right)
angle_of_view_horizontal Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the Y-axis (up-down)


Allows the mob to look at the entity they are targetting.


Name Type Default Value Description
look_distance Decimal 8.0 The distance in blocks from which the entity will look at
probability Decimal 0.02 The probability of looking at the target. A value of 1.00 is 100%
look_time Range [a, b] [2, 4] Time range to look at the entity
angle_of_view_vertical Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the X-axis (left-right)
angle_of_view_horizontal Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the Y-axis (up-down)


Allows the mob to look at nearby entities.


Name Type Default Value Description
look_distance Decimal 8.0 The distance in blocks from which the entity will look at
probability Decimal 0.02 The probability of looking at the target. A value of 1.00 is 100%
look_time Range [a, b] [2, 4] Time range to look at the entity
angle_of_view_vertical Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the X-axis (left-right)
angle_of_view_horizontal Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the Y-axis (up-down)
filters Minecraft Filter Filter to determine the conditions for this mob to look at the entity


Allows the mob to look at the player they are trading with.


Name Type Default Value Description
look_distance Decimal 8.0 The distance in blocks from which the entity will look at
probability Decimal 0.02 The probability of looking at the target. A value of 1.00 is 100%
look_time Range [a, b] [2, 4] Time range to look at the entity
angle_of_view_vertical Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the X-axis (left-right)
angle_of_view_horizontal Integer 360 The angle in degrees that the mob can see in the Y-axis (up-down)


Allows the mob to move around on its own while mounted seeking a target to attack.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
target_dist Decimal 0.0 The distance at which this mob wants to be away from its target
track_target Boolean false If true, this mob will chase after the target as long as it's a valid target


Can only be used by Villagers. Allows them to seek shelter indoors.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
timeout_cooldown Decimal 8.0 The cooldown time in seconds before the goal can be reused after a internal failure or timeout condition


Can only be used by Villagers. Allows the villagers to create paths around the village.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
only_at_night Boolean false If true, the mob will only move through the village during night time


Allows Guardians, Iron Golems and Villagers to move within their pre-defined area that the mob should be restricted to. Other mobs don't have a restriction defined.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows mob to move towards its current target.


Name Type Default Value Description
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Defines the radius in blocks that the mob tries to be from the target. A value of 0 means it tries to occupy the same block as the target


Allows mob to move towards its current target captain.


Name Type Default Value Description
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Defines the maximum distance in blocks a mob can get from its target captain before giving up trying to follow it.
follow_distance Decimal 0.0 Defines the distance in blocks the mob will stay from its target while following.


Allows mob to move towards a random block.


Name Type Default Value Description
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Defines the distance in blocks the mob has to be from the block for the movement to be finished.
block_distance Decimal 16.0 Defines the distance from the mob, in blocks, that the block to move to will be chosen.


Can only be used by the Ocelot. Allows it to perform the sneak and pounce attack.


Name Type Default Value Description
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed while using this attack
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed of this mob while using this attack
sneak_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the sneaking speed. 1.0 means the ocelot will move at the speed it normally sneaks


Allows to mob to be able to sit in place like the ocelot.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows mobs to lay down at times


Name Type Default Value Description
interval Integer 120 A random value to determine at what intervals something can occur. This has a 1/interval chance to choose this goal
random_stop_interval Integer 120 a random value in which the goal can use to pull out of the behavior. This is a 1/interval chance to play the sound


Allows the mob to offer the player a flower like the Iron Golem does.


Allows the mob to open doors. Requires the mob to be able to path through doors, otherwise the mob won't even want to try opening them.


Name Type Default Value Description
close_door_after Boolean true If true, the mob will close the door after opening it and going through it


Allows the mob to enter the panic state, which makes it run around and away from the damage source that made it enter this state.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
ignore_mob_damage Boolean false If true, the mob will not panic in response to damage from other mobs (only fire/lava etc)
prefer_water Boolean false If true, the mob will prefer water over land
force Boolean false If true, this mob will not stop panicking until it can't move anymore or the goal is removed from it


Allows the mob to run around aimlessly.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the mob to automatically start avoiding the sun when its a clear day out.


Allows the mob to stay indoors during night time.


Allows the mob to randomly look around.


Name Type Default Value Description
look_time Range [a, b] [2, 4] The range of time in seconds the mob will stay looking in a random direction before looking elsewhere


Allows the mob to go into stone blocks like Silverfish do. Currently it can only be used by Silverfish.


Allows the mob to alert mobs in nearby blocks to come out. Currently it can only be used by Silverfish.


Allows the mob to stay put while it is in a sitting state instead of doing something else.


Allows the villager to look for a mate to spawn other villagers with. Can only be used by Villagers.


Allows the mob to take a load off and snack on food that it found nearby.


Name Type Default Value Description
snacking_cooldown Decimal 7.5 The cooldown time in seconds before the mob is able to snack again
snacking_cooldown_min Decimal 0.5f The minimum time in seconds before the mob is able to snack again
snacking_stop_chance Decimal 0.0017 This is the chance that the mob will stop snacking, from 0 to 1
items List Items that we are interested in snacking on


Allows the mob to randomly sit for a duration.


Name Type Default Value Description
start_chance Decimal 0.1 This is the chance that the mob will start sitting, from 0 to 1
stop_chance Decimal 0.3 This is the chance that the mob will stop sitting, from 0 to 1
cooldown_time Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds the mob has to wait before using the goal again
min_sit_time Decimal 10 The minimum amount of time in seconds before the mob can stand back up


Allows the mob to use close combat melee attacks.


Name Type Default Value Description
melee_fov Decimal 90.0 The allowable FOV the actor will use to determine if it can make a valid melee attack
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
track_target Boolean false If true, this mob will chase after the target as long as it's a valid target
attack_types String Defines the entity types this mob will attack
random_stop_interval Integer 0 Defines the probability the mob will stop fighting. A value of 0 disables randomly stopping, while a value of 1 defines a 50% chance
reach_multiplier Decimal 2.0 Multiplier for how far outside its box the mob can reach its target (this can be used to simulate a mob with longer arms by making this bigger)
attack_once Boolean false If true, this mob will attack only one time.
require_complete_path Boolean false If true, this goal will only trigger if the mob can reach its target.


Allows the mob to use the polar bear's melee attack.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
track_target Boolean false If true, this mob will chase after the target as long as it's a valid target
attack_types String Defines the entity types this mob will attack
random_stop_interval Integer 0 Defines the probability the mob will stop fighting. A value of 0 disables randomly stopping, while a value of 1 defines a 50% chance
reach_multiplier Decimal 2.0 Multiplier for how far outside its box the mob can reach its target (this can be used to simulate a mob with longer arms by making this bigger)
attack_once Boolean false If true, this mob will attack only one time.
require_complete_path Boolean false If true, this goal will only trigger if the mob can reach its target.


Allows the mob to an attack where the hit is delayed.


Name Type Default Value Description
attack_duration Decimal 1.0 The duration of the attack animation in seconds
hit_delay_pct Decimal 1.0 The percentage of the attack_duration that must pass before the hit is made
sound_event String The sound event to play when the attack starts
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
track_target Boolean false If true, this mob will chase after the target as long as it's a valid target
attack_types String Defines the entity types this mob will attack
random_stop_interval Integer 0 Defines the probability the mob will stop fighting. A value of 0 disables randomly stopping, while a value of 1 defines a 50% chance
reach_multiplier Decimal 2.0 Multiplier for how far outside its box the mob can reach its target (this can be used to simulate a mob with longer arms by making this bigger)
attack_once Boolean false If true, this mob will attack only one time.


Allows the mob to use ranged attacks like shooting arrows.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
ranged_fov Decimal 90.0 The allowable FOV the actor will use to determine if it can make a valid ranged attack
burst_shots Integer 1 Number of shots fired every time the mob uses a charged attack
burst_interval Decimal 0.0 Amount of time in seconds between each individual shot when firing multiple shots per attack
attack_interval_min Integer 0 Minimum amount of time in seconds the entity will wait after an attack before launching another
attack_interval_max Integer 0 Maximum amount of time in seconds the entity will wait after an attack before launching another
attack_radius Decimal 0.0 Maximum distance the target can be for this mob to fire. If the target is further away, this mob will move first before firing
charge_charged_trigger Decimal 0.0 The minimum amount of time in ticks the mob has to charge before firing a charged attack
charge_shoot_trigger Decimal 0.0 The minimum amount of time in ticks for the mob to start charging a charged shot. Must be greater than 0 to enable burst shots


Allows a mob to randomly stroll around.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
xz_dist Integer 10 Distance in blocks on ground that the mob will look for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
y_dist Integer 7 Distance in blocks that the mob will look up or down for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
interval Integer 120 A random value to determine when to randomly move somewhere. This has a 1/interval chance to choose this goal


Allows an entity to randomly move through water


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
xz_dist Integer 10 Distance in blocks on ground that the mob will look for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
y_dist Integer 7 Distance in blocks that the mob will look up or down for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
interval Integer 120 A random value to determine when to randomly move somewhere. This has a 1/interval chance to choose this goal


Allows a mob to randomly fly around.


Name Type Default Value Description
xz_dist Integer 10 Distance in blocks on ground that the mob will look for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
y_dist Integer 7 Distance in blocks that the mob will look up or down for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
can_land_on_trees Boolean true If true, the mob can stop flying and land on a tree instead of the ground


Has the fish swim around when they can't pathfind


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 10 speed of the entity


Allows the mob to be tempted by food they like.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
items List List of items this mob is tempted by
can_get_scared Boolean false If true, the mob can stop being tempted if the player moves too fast while close to this mob
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Distance in blocks this mob can get tempted by a player holding an item they like


Allows the mob to look at a player that is holding a tradable item.


Name Type Default Value Description
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Distance in blocks this mob can be interested by a player holding an item they like
interest_time Decimal 45.0 The max time in seconds that the trader will be interested with showing it's trade items
remove_item_time Decimal 1.0 The max time in seconds that the trader will wait when you no longer have items to trade
carried_item_switch_time Decimal 2.0 The max time in seconds that the trader will hold an item before attempting to switch for a different item that takes the same trade
cooldown Decimal 2.0 The time in seconds before the trader can use this goal again


Allows the mob to peek out. This is what the shulker uses to look out of its shell.


Allows the mob to play with other baby villagers. This can only be used by Villagers.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the villager to stop so another villager can breed with it. Can only be used by a Villager.


Can only be used by Villagers. Allows the mob to accept flowers from Iron Golems.


Allows the villager to harvest nearby farms. Can only be used by Villagers.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal


Allows the squid to swim in place idly. Can only be used by the Squid.


Allows the squid to swim away. Can only be used by the Squid.


Allows the squid to move away from ground blocks and back to water. Can only be used by the Squid.


Allows the squid to stick to the ground when outside water. Can only be used by the Squid.


Allows the squid to dive down in water. Can only be used by the Squid.


Allows Equine mobs to be Horse Traps and be triggered like them, spawning a lightning bolt and a bunch of horses when a player is nearby. Can only be used by Horses, Mules, Donkeys and Skeleton Horses.


Name Type Default Value Description
duration Decimal 1.0 Amount of time in seconds the trap exists. After this amount of time is elapsed, the trap is removed from the world if it hasn't been activated
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Distance in blocks that the player has to be within to trigger the horse trap


Allows mobs that own a bed to in a village to move to and sleep in it.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
cooldown_time Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds the mob has to wait before using the goal again
sleep_collider_height Decimal 1.0 The height of the mob's collider while sleeping
sleep_collider_width Decimal 1.0 The width of the mob's collider while sleeping
sleep_y_offset Decimal 1.0 The y offset of the mob's collider while sleeping
timeout_cooldown Decimal 8.0 The cooldown time in seconds before the goal can be reused after a internal failure or timeout condition


Allows the creeper to swell up when a player is nearby. It can only be used by Creepers.


Name Type Default Value Description
start_distance Decimal 10.0 This mob starts swelling when a target is at least this many blocks away
stop_distance Decimal 2.0 This mob stops swelling when a target has moved away at least this many blocks


Allows the Dragon to fly around in a circle around the center podium. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Allows the Dragon to stop flying and transition into perching mode. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Allows the dragon to look around for a player to attack while in perch mode. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Allows the dragon to use its flame breath attack. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Allows the dragon to leave perch mode and go back to flying around. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Allows the dragon to attack a player by flying fast at them. The player is chosen by the dragonscanning goal. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Allows the dragon to fly around looking for a player and shoot fireballs at them. Can only be used by the Ender Dragon.


Allows the dragon to go out with glory. This controls the Ender Dragon's death animation and can't be used by other mobs.


Allows the enderman to drop a block they are carrying. Can only be used by Endermen.


Allows the enderman to take a block and carry it around. Can only be used by Endermen.


Allows monsters to jump at and attack their target. Can only be used by hostile mobs.


Name Type Default Value Description
yd Decimal 0.0 The height in blocks the mob jumps when leaping at its target
must_be_on_ground Boolean true If true, the mob will only jump at its target if its on the ground. Setting it to false will allow it to jump even if its already in the air


Allows the guardian to use its laser beam attack. Can only be used by Guardians and Elder Guardians.


Can only be used by Slimes and Magma Cubes. Controls their ability to float in water / lava.


Can only be used by Slimes and Magma Cubes. Allows the mob to continuously jump around like a slime.


Can only be used by Slimes and Magma Cubes. Allows the mob to move in random directions like a slime.


Can only be used by Slimes and Magma Cubes. Allows the mob to use a melee attack like the slime's.


Allows the mob to eat crops out of farms until they are full.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 Distance in blocks the mob will look for crops to eat
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot
max_to_eat Integer 6 Maximum number of things this entity wants to eat
full_delay Integer 100 Amount of time in seconds before this mob wants to eat again
eat_delay Integer 2 Time in seconds between each time it eats
blocks List Blocks that the mob is looking for to eat


Allows the mob to inspect bookshelves.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 Distance in blocks the mob will look for books to inspect
search_height Integer 1 The height that the mob will search for bookshelves
search_count Integer 10 The number of blocks each tick that the mob will check within it's search range and height for a valid block to move to. A value of 0 will have the mob check every block within range in one tick
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows the mob to be ridden by the player after being tamed.


Allows the mob to look around for another mob to ride atop it.


Name Type Default Value Description
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Distance in blocks within which the mob will look for a mount
start_delay Integer 0 Time the mob will wait before starting to move towards the mount
avoid_water Boolean false If true, the mob will not go into water blocks when going towards a mount
target_needed Boolean false If true, the mob will only look for a mount if it has a target
mount_distance Decimal -1.0 This is the distance the mob needs to be, in blocks, from the desired mount to mount it. If the value is below 0, the mob will use its default attack distance


Allows the mob to be controlled by the player.


Allows the wither to launch random attacks. Can only be used by the Wither Boss.


Allows the wither to focus its attacks on whichever mob has dealt the most damage to it.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types the wither takes into account to find who dealt the most damage to it
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more


Allows the mob to float around like the Ghast.


Name Type Default Value Description
xz_dist Integer 10 Distance in blocks on ground that the mob will look for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
y_dist Integer 7 Distance in blocks that the mob will look up or down for a new spot to move to. Must be at least 1
y_offset Decimal 0.0 Height in blocks to add to the selected target position
must_reach Boolean false If true, the point has to be reachable to be a valid target
random_reselect Boolean false If true, the mob will randomly pick a new point while moving to the previously selected one
float_duration Range [a, b] [0.0, 0.0] Range of time in seconds the mob will float around before landing and choosing to do something else


Allows the player to trade with this mob.


Allows the mob to attack the player by summoning other entities.


Name Type Default Value Description
summon_choices List List of spells for the mob to use to summon entities. Each spell has the following parameters:
Name Type Default Value Description
min_activation_range Decimal 1.0 Lower bound of the activation distance in blocks for this spell
max_activation_range Decimal -1.0 Upper bound of the activation distance in blocks for this spell
cooldown_time Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds the mob has to wait before using the spell again
weight Decimal 0.0 The weight of this spell. Controls how likely the mob is to choose this spell when casting one
do_casting Boolean true If true, the mob will do the casting animations and render spell particles
particle_color Integer 0 The color of the particles for this spell
filters Minecraft Filter
start_sound_event String The sound event to play when using this spell
sequence List List of steps for the spell. Each step has the following parameters:
Name Type Default Value Description
shape String line The base shape of this step. Valid values are circle and line
base_delay Decimal 0.0 Amount of time in seconds to wait before this step starts
delay_per_summon Decimal 0.0 Amount of time in seconds before each entity is summoned in this step
num_entities_spawned Integer 1 Number of entities that will be spawned in this step
entity_type String The entity type of the entities we will spawn in this step
entity_lifespan Decimal -1.0 Amount of time in seconds that the spawned entity will be alive for. A value of -1.0 means it will remain alive for as long as it can
size Decimal 1.0 The base size of the entity
target String self The target of the spell. This is where the spell will start (line will start here, circle will be centered here)
summon_cap Integer 0 Maximum number of summoned entities at any given time
summon_cap_radius Decimal 0.0
sound_event String The sound event to play for this step
cast_duration Decimal Total delay of the steps Time in seconds the spell casting will take


Allows an entity to go to the village bell and mingle with other entities


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
cooldown_time Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds the mob has to wait before using the goal again
duration Decimal 1.0 Amount of time in seconds that the entity will chat with another entity
mingle_partner_type List empty The entity type that this entity is allowed to mingle with
mingle_distance Decimal 2.0f The distance from its partner that this entity will mingle. If the entity type is not the same as the entity, this value needs to be identical on both entities.


Allows the mob to send an event to another mob.


Name Type Default Value Description
sequence List List of events to send
Name Type Default Value Description
base_delay Decimal 0.0 Amount of time in seconds before starting this step
event String The event to send to the entity
sound_event String The sound event to play when this step happens
cast_duration Decimal Total delay of the steps Time in seconds for the entire event sending process


Allows the mob to attack its target by running at it.


Allows the mob to move around randomly like the Vex.


Allows the mob to target the same entity its owner is targeting.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entities this mob can copy the owner from
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more


Allows the mob to pick up items on the ground.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
track_target Boolean false If true, this mob will chase after the target as long as it's a valid target
max_dist Decimal 0.0 Maximum distance this mob will look for items to pick up
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows the mob to give items it has to others.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_types JSON Object List of entities this mob will share items with
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
max_dist Decimal 0.0 Maximum distance in blocks this mob will look for entities to share items with
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows the mob to move towards the nearest underwater ruin or shipwreck.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 The range that the mob will search for a treasure chest within a ruin or shipwreck to move towards.
stop_distance Decimal 2.0 The distance the mob will move before stopping.


Allows the mob to move in a circle around a point or a target.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
radius_range Range [a, b] [5.0, 15.0] Range of radius in blocks of the circle to move around.
radius_change_chance Integer 250 A random value to determine when to increase the size of the radius up to the maximum. This has a 1/value chance every tick to do so.
height_above_target_range Range [a, b] [0.0, 0.0] When the mob finds a target, the range of height in blocks above the target to start the anchor point.
height_offset_range Range [a, b] [0.0, 0.0] The range of height in blocks offset the mob can have from it's anchor point.
height_change_chance Integer 350 A random value to determine when to change the height of the mob from the anchor point. This has a 1/value chance every tick to do so.
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows the mob to move to attack a target. The goal ends if it has a horizontal collision or gets hit. Built to be used with flying mobs.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
delay_range Range [a, b] [10.0, 20.0] Range of time in seconds between uses of this goal.


Allows the pet mob to move onto a bed with it's owner while sleeping.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 The distance in blocks from the owner the pet can be to sleep with owner.
search_height Integer 1 Height in blocks from the owner the pet can be to sleep with owner.
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot


Allows the mob to move near a target and drop an item.


Name Type Default Value Description
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
search_range Integer 0 The distance in blocks from the target the mob can be.
search_height Integer 1 Height in blocks from the target the mob can be.
goal_radius Decimal 0.5 Distance in blocks within the mob considers it has reached the goal. This is the "wiggle room" to stop the AI from bouncing back and forth trying to reach a specific spot
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types this mob will drop items for.
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
max_dist Decimal 0.0 Maximum distance in blocks this mob will look for entities to drop an item for.
drop_item_chance Decimal [1.0] The probability that the mob will drop an item.
offering_distance Decimal [1.0] The distance in blocks the mob will try to be away from the entity when it drops the item.
time_of_day_range Range [a, b] [0.0, 1.0] The valid times of day that this goal can be used. For reference: noon is 0.0, sunset is 0.25, midnight is 0.5, and sunrise is 0.75, and back to noon for 1.0.
loot_table String Loot table to select items from.
on_drop_attempt String Event to run when this mob attempts to drop an item.


Allows the mob to stop and sneeze possibly startling nearby mobs and dropping an item.


Name Type Default Value Description
cooldown_time Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds the mob has to wait before using the goal again
probability Decimal 0.02 The probability of sneezing. A value of 1.00 is 100%
drop_item_chance Decimal 1.0 The probability that the mob will drop an item when it sneezes.
loot_table String Loot table to select dropped items from.
prepare_sound String Sound to play when the sneeze is about to happen.
sound String Sound to play when the sneeze occurs.
loot_table String Loot table to select dropped items from.
prepare_time Decimal 1.0 The time in seconds that the mob takes to prepare to sneeze (while the prepare_sound is playing).
entity_types JSON Object List of entity types this mob will startle (cause to jump) when it sneezes.
Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
max_dist Decimal 16 Maximum distance this mob can be away to be a valid choice
walk_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the walking speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
sprint_speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Multiplier for the running speed. A value of 1.0 means the speed is unchanged
must_see Boolean false If true, the mob has to be visible to be a valid choice
must_see_forget_duration Boolean 3.0 Determines the amount of time in seconds that this mob will look for a target before forgetting about it and looking for a new one when the target isn't visible any more
within_radius Decimal 0.0 Distance in blocks that mobs will be startled.


This allows the mob to roll forward.


Name Type Default Value Description
probability Decimal [1.0] The probability that the mob will use the goal.


Filters allow data objects to specify test critera which allows their use.

For example, a model that includes a filter will only be used when the filter criteria is true.

A typical filter consists of four paramters:

name: the name of the test to apply.

domain: the domain the test should be performed in. An armor slot, for example. This parameter is only used by a few tests.

operator: the comparison to apply with the value, such as 'equal' or 'greater'.

value: the value being compared with the test.

A typical filter looks like the following:

{ "test" : "moon_intensity", "subject" : "self", "operator" : "greater", "value" : "0.5" }

Which results in the calling entity (self) calculating the moon_intensity at its location and returning true if the result is greater than 0.5.

Tests can be combined into groups using the collections 'all_of' and 'any_of'.

All tests in an 'all_of' group must pass in order for the group to pass.

One or more tests in an 'any_of' group must pass in order for the group to pass.


Returns true during the daylight hours.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_daytime", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_daytime" }


Compares the current 24 hour time with an int value in the range[0, 24000]


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Integer (Required) An integer value.


{ "test": "hourly_clock_time", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "hourly_clock_time", "value": "0" }


Tests whether a named game rule is active.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
domain String (Required) The Game Rule to test.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_game_rule", "subject": "self", "domain": "domobspawning", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_game_rule", "domain": "domobspawning" }


Returns true when the subject entity is under water. An entity is considered underwater if it is completely submerged in water blocks.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_underwater", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_underwater" }


Compares the current time with a float value in the range (0.0, 1.0). 0.0= Noon 0.25= Sunset 0.5= Midnight 0.75= Sunrise


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Decimal (Required) A floating point value.


{ "test": "clock_time", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0.00" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "clock_time", "value": "0.00" }


Compares the current moon intensity with a float value in the range (0.0, 1.0)


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Decimal (Required) A floating point value.


{ "test": "moon_intensity", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0.00" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "moon_intensity", "value": "0.00" }


Returns true when the subject entity is in water.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "in_water", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "in_water" }


Compares the current moon phase with an integer value in the range (0, 7).


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Integer (Required) An integer value.


{ "test": "moon_phase", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "moon_phase", "value": "0" }


Compares the distance to the nearest Player with a float value.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Decimal (Required) A floating point value.


{ "test": "distance_to_nearest_player", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0.00" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "distance_to_nearest_player", "value": "0.00" }


Tests for the presence of a named item in the designated slot of the subject entity.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
domain String any (Optional) The equipment location to test
Options Description
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The item name to look for


{ "test": "has_equipment", "subject": "self", "domain": "any", "operator": "equals", "value": "dirt" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_equipment", "value": "dirt" }


Returns true when the subject entity is underground. An entity is considered underground if there are non-solid blocks above it.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_underground", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_underground" }


Returns true when the subject entity is in water or rain.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "in_water_or_rain", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "in_water_or_rain" }


Returns true when the subject entity is on ground.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "on_ground", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "on_ground" }


Tests the current brightness against a provided value in the range (0.0f, 1.0f).


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Decimal (Required) The brightness value to compare with.


{ "test": "is_brightness", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0.50" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_brightness", "value": "0.50" }


Tests whether the Subject is in an area with humidity


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_humid", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_humid" }


Returns true when the subject entity is in lava.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "in_lava", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "in_lava" }


Returns true if the subject entity is the mark variant number provided.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Integer (Required) An integer value.


{ "test": "is_mark_variant", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_mark_variant", "value": "0" }


Returns true if the subject entity is the named color.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The Palette Color to test
Options Description


{ "test": "is_color", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "white" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_color", "value": "white" }


Returns true when the subject entity is in the clouds.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "in_clouds", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "in_clouds" }


Returns true when the subject entity is on a ladder.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "on_ladder", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "on_ladder" }


Returns true when the subject entity contains the named component.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The component name to look for


{ "test": "has_component", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "minecraft:explode" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_component", "value": "minecraft:explode" }


Returns true when the subject entity is a member of the named family.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The Family name to look for


{ "test": "is_family", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "player" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_family", "value": "player" }


Returns true if the subject entity is sneaking.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_sneaking", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_sneaking" }


Returns true when the subject entity has the named ability.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The Ability type to test
Options Description


{ "test": "has_ability", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "instabuild" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_ability", "value": "instabuild" }


Returns true if the subject entity is fleeing from other mobs.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_avoiding_mobs", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_avoiding_mobs" }


Returns true when the subject entity receives the named damage type.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The Damage type to test
Options Description
fatal Any damage which kills the subject


{ "test": "has_damage", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "fatal" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_damage", "value": "fatal" }


Returns true if the subject entity is the owner of the calling entity.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_owner", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_owner" }


Returns true if the subject entity is the target of the calling entity.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_target", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_target" }


Returns true if the subject entity is immobile. An entity is immobile if it lacks AI goals, has just changed dimensions or if it is a mob and has no health.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_immobile", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_immobile" }


Tests the current altitude against a provided value. 0= bedrock elevation.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Integer (Required) The altitude value to compare with


{ "test": "is_altitude", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_altitude", "value": "0" }


Returns true if the subject entity is moving.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_moving", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_moving" }


Returns true if the subject entity is the skin id number provided.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Integer (Required) An integer value.


{ "test": "is_skin_id", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_skin_id", "value": "0" }


Returns true if the subject entity is climbing.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_climbing", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_climbing" }


Returns true if the subject entity is riding on another entity.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_riding", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_riding" }


Returns true if the subject entity is in a caravan.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "in_caravan", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "in_caravan" }


Returns true if the subject entity is leashed.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_leashed", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_leashed" }


Returns true if the subject entity is the variant number provided.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Integer (Required) An integer value.


{ "test": "is_variant", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_variant", "value": "0" }


Returns true if the subject entity has the tag provided.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Optional) A string value.


{ "test": "has_tag", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_tag" }


Tests whether the Subject is inside the bounds of a village.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_in_village", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_in_village" }


Returns true if the subject entity is visible.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_visible", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_visible" }


Tests whether the Subject has the specified mob effect.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Optional) A string value.


{ "test": "has_mob_effect", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_mob_effect" }


Tests the current difficulty level of the game.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The game's difficulty level to test
Options Description


{ "test": "is_difficulty", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "normal" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_difficulty", "value": "normal" }


Tests whether the Subject is currently in the named biome.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The Biome type to test
Options Description


{ "test": "is_biome", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "beach" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_biome", "value": "beach" }


Tests whether the biome the subject is in has the specified tag.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The tag to look for


{ "test": "has_biome_tag", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": " " }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_biome_tag", "value": " " }


Tests whether the Subject is in an area with snow cover


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "is_snow_covered", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_snow_covered" }


Tests whether the current temperature is a given type.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value String (Required) The Biome temperature catagory to test
Options Description


{ "test": "is_temperature_type", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "cold" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_temperature_type", "value": "cold" }


Tests the current temperature against a provided value in the range (0.0, 1.0) where 0.0f is the coldest temp and 1.0f is the hottest.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Decimal (Required) The Biome temperature value to compare with.


{ "test": "is_temperature_value", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "0.50" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "is_temperature_value", "value": "0.50" }


Tests whether the target has any trade supply left. Will return false if the target cannot be traded with.


Name Type Default Description
subject String self (Optional) The subject of this filter test.
Options Description
self The entity or object calling the test
other The other member of an interaction, not the caller.
parent The caller's current parent.
player The player involved with the interaction.
target The caller's current target.
operator String equals (Optional) The comparison to apply with 'value'.
Options Description
>= Test for greater-than or equal to the value.
equals Test for equality.
<> Test for inequality.
== Test for equality.
= Test for equality.
not Test for inequality.
< Test for less-than the value.
!= Test for inequality.
> Test for greater-than the value.
<= Test for less-than or equal to the value.
value Boolean true (Optional) true or false.


{ "test": "has_trade_supply", "subject": "self", "operator": "equals", "value": "true" }

Short (using Defaults)..
{ "test": "has_trade_supply" }


This filter group will pass only when the moon_intensity is greater than 0.5 AND the caller's target entity is standing in water.
"all_of" : [

:   { "test" : "moon_intensity", "subject" : "self", "operator" : "greater", "value" : "0.5" }, 

:   { "test" : "in_water", "subject" : "target", "operator" : "equal", "value" : "true" } 

: ]

Client Entity Documentation

Client entity definitions are contained within a Resource Pack.
To start, create a new folder and name it "entity" inside the root of the Resource Pack. In the entity folder create a JSON file and give it a name.The JSON file needs a format version and minecraft:client_entity information.

The minecraft:client_entity section contains the description for the entity. Under description there are a number of things that you can set about an entity. Generally, this file is defining what resources a mob requires and gives a friendly name to each, that the other definition files can use.


The identifier is used to register the entity with the server. In the Client Entity Definitions JSON the identifier sets the appearance of the entity(materials, textures, geometry, etc.) The matching identifier in the Entity Behavior JSON in the Behavior Pack is what gives the entity its behaviors.


When present, players can set the min version needed to allow the JSON to be parsed. The version in the definition is compared to the engine version for which the top resource pack was built.If a definition's min_engine_version is newer than that pack's engine version then the definition is not parsed.
Multiple definition files may use the same identifier, in which case only one of those definitions will be loaded. The definition with the same or closest and not greater min_engine_version, as compared to the top resource pack's engine version, will be parsed; all other definitions with the same identifier will not be parsed.
This can be useful for continuing to support an older version of an entity, when an older resource pack is used at the top of the resource pack stack, while also supporting a newer version of the entity in all other cases.

materials, textures, animations

Players can set the materials, texture and geometry used for the entity in this section. Players can set one or more materials, textures, and geometries that can be used by the mob. Players must set user defined names for them. These names are used in the Render Controllers JSON. Players can reference materials, textures, and geometry from the vanilla Minecraft Resource Pack or create their own. Custom materials, textures, and geometry should be in the corresponding folder at the root of the Resource Pack.


Scripts allow players to use MoLang to compute calculations once and store that value. This value than can be used over and over again without the need to constantly recompute the calculations. Scripts currently support pre - animation and scale.More script types will be added later.
-Pre-animation scripts are evaluated immediately before animations are processed.
-Scale sets the scale of the mob's geometry.
Example pre-animation script for cod
"scripts": {
  "pre_animation": [
    "variable.ZRot = !query.is_in_water ? Math.cos((query.time_stamp + global.frame_alpha) * 14.32) * 90 : 0.0;",
    "variable.AnimationAmountBlend = Math.lerp(variable.AnimationAmountPrev, variable.AnimationAmount, global.frame_alpha);"

Example scale script for the bat
"scripts": {
  "scale": "0.35"


Allows the player to assign names to reference the long name for animations. These names are used by the animation controller JSON. Players can reference animations from the vanilla Minecraft Resource Pack or create their own. Custom animations should be in the animation folder at the root of the Resource Pack.


Animation controllers decide which animations to play when. Each Controller contains a list of states that play one or more animations. Allows the player to assign names to reference the long names for animation controllers. Names are required and need to be unique from all other names in the animation controllers for that mob. Players can reference animation controllers from the vanilla Minecraft Resource Pack or create their own. Custom animation controllers should be in the animation_controllers folder at the root of the Resource Pack.


Allows the player to assign a key to reference the long name for particles. When these are present, the particle is created when the entity is spawned. Keys are required and need to be unique from all other keys in the animation controllers. Players can reference particles from the vanilla Minecraft Resource Pack or create their own. Custom particles should be in the particle folder at the root of the Resource Pack.


Specifies the names of render controllers. This name needs to match the name of a corresponding JSON located in the Render Controllers folder. Players can reference Render Controllers from the vanilla Minecraft Resource Pack or create their own. Custom Render Controllers should be in the textures folder at the root of the Resource Pack.


Locator offsets are specified in model space. An example of a locator is the "lead" locator used to specify where the lead will attach to graphically.

"locators": {
  "lead": { "head": [ 0.0, 14.0, -6.0 ] }

Example client entity definitions JSON for the pig
"format_version": "1.8.0",
  "minecraft:client_entity": {
     "description": {
       "identifier": "minecraft:pig",
       "min_engine_version": "1.8.0",
       "materials": { "default": "pig" },
       "textures": {
         "default": "textures/entity/pig/pig",
         "saddled": "textures/entity/pig/pig_saddle"
       "geometry": {
         "default": "geometry.pig.v1.8"
       "animations": {
         "setup": "animation.pig.setup",
         "walk": "animation.quadruped.walk",
         "look_at_target": "animation.common.look_at_target",
         "baby_transform": "animation.pig.baby_transform"
       "animation_controllers": [
         { "setup": "controller.animation.pig.setup" },
         { "move": "controller.animation.pig.move" },
         { "baby": "controller.animation.pig.baby" }
       "render_controllers": [ "controller.render.pig" ],
       "locators": {
         "lead": { "head": [ 0.0, 14.0, -6.0 ] }
       "spawn_egg": {
         "texture": "spawn_egg",
         "texture_index": 2


This determines if the entity can equip attachables when this is set to true. This allows the entity to render armor.

"enable_attachables": true

Spawn Egg

This sets the color or texture used for the entity Spawn Egg. There are 2 ways to do this. The first is to use the hex value for the base color and the overlay color.


Example Spawn Egg using hex value
"spawn_egg": {
  "base_color": "#53443E",
  "overlay_color": "#2E6854"

The other way is to specify a texture.

Example Spawn Egg specifying a texture. The texture is located in the "items_texture" JSON in the textures folder of the Resource Pack. When there are more than one texture associated with a texture name you can use an index to pick the one that you want. If no index is specified than it is assumed to be 0 and the first texture in the list is used.
Example Spawn Egg specifying a texture
"spawn_egg": {
  "texture": "spawn_egg", 
  "texture_index": 2

Server Entity Documentation

Entity Definition Properties

These properties are part of the Entity Definition as a whole and go before the Component or Component Groups. Make sure to place them before any Components, Component Groups or Events sections or they will be ignored.


Disables all current and future backwards compatibility for this entity. If new components or properties are added or changed to the vanilla version of this entity, they will not be applied.


Specifies the version of the game this entity was made in. If the version is lower than the current version, any changes made to the entity in the vanilla version will be applied to it.

Code Example

  "format_version": "1.8.0",
  "minecraft:entity": {
    "do_not_upgrade": {},
    "component_groups": {

Entity Description Properties

This section defines properties required to identify and construct the entity


Sets the mapping of internal animation references to actual animations. This is a JSON Object of name/animation pairs


Name Type Default Value Description
name String none Internal (to the entity) name of this animation entry
animation String none Actual animation to use


Sets the mapping of internal animation controller references to actual animation controller. This is a JSON Array of name/animation-controller pairs


Name Type Default Value Description
name String none Internal (to the entity) name of this animation entry
animation controller String none Actual animation to use

Entity Description Properties



Sets the name for this entity's description.


Type Default Value Description
String The identifier for this entity


Sets the name for the Vanilla Minecraft identifier this entity will use to build itself from.


Type Default Value Description
String The identifier for the class to construct this entity with


Sets whether or not this entity has a spawn egg in the creative ui.


Type Default Value Description
Boolean false Set to determine if this entity has a spawn egg.


Sets whether or not we can summon this entity using commands such as /summon.


Type Default Value Description
Boolean false Flag to mark this entity as being summonable or not.


Sets whether or not this entity is experimental. Experimental entities are only enabled when the experimental toggle is enabled.


Type Default Value Description
Boolean false Flag to mark this entity as being experimental or not.



Defines an entity's melee attack and any additional effects on it.


Name Type Default Value Description
damage Range [a, b] Range of the random amount of damage the melee attack deals. A negative value can heal the entity instead of hurting it
effect_name String Identifier of the status ailment to apply to an entity attacked by this entity's melee attack
effect_duration Decimal 0.0 Duration in seconds of the status ailment applied to the damaged entity


Defines what mob effects to add and remove to the entity when adding this component.


Name Type Default Value Description
add_effects List List of effects to add to this entity after adding this component
Name Type Default Value Description
effect String Effect to add to this entity. Includes 'duration' in seconds, 'amplifier' level, 'ambient' if it is to be considered an ambient effect, and 'visible' if the effect should be visible
remove_effects String List of identifiers of effects to be removed from this entity after adding this component


Defines the entity's strength to carry items.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 1 The initial value of the strength
max Integer 5 The maximum strength of this entity



Sets the entity's delay between playing its ambient sound.


Name Type Default Value Description
min Decimal 8.000000 Minimum time in seconds before the entity plays its ambient sound again
max Decimal 16.000000 Maximum time in seconds to randomly add to the ambient sound delay time.
event_name String ambient Level sound event to be played as the ambient sound.


Specifies if/how a mob burns in daylight.


Allows this entity to climb up ladders.


Marks the entity as being able to fly, the pathfinder won't be restricted to paths where a solid block is required underneath it.


Allows the entity to power jump like the horse does in vanilla.


Sets the width and height of the Entity's collision box.


Name Type Default Value Description
width Decimal 1.0 Width and Depth of the collision box in blocks. A negative value will be assumed to be 0
height Decimal 1.0 Height of the collision box in blocks. A negative value will be assumed to be 0


Defines the entity's color. Only works on vanilla entities that have predefined color values (sheep, llama, shulker).


Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 0 The Palette Color value of the entity


Defines the entity's second texture color. Only works on vanilla entities that have a second predefined color values (tropical fish).


Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 0 The second Palette Color value of the entity


Sets this entity's default head rotation angle.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.0f Angle in degrees


Allows dyes to be used on this entity to change its color.


Name Type Default Value Description
interact_text String The text that will display when interacting with this entity with a dye when playing with Touch-screen controls


Sets the Equipment table to use for this Entity.


Name Type Default Value Description
table String The file path to the equipment table, relative to the behavior pack's root
slot_drop_chance List A list of slots with the chance to drop an equipped item from that slot


Sets that this entity doesn't take damage from fire.


Defines the families this entity belongs to.


Name Type Default Value Description
family List List of family names


Sets that this entity can float in liquid blocks.


Speed in Blocks that this entity flies at.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.02 Flying speed in blocks per tick


Sets the number of blocks the entity can step without jumping.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.5 The value of the size of the entity's step


Defines how much does friction affect this entity.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 1.0 The higher the number, the more the friction affects this entity. A value of 1.0 means regular friction, while 2.0 means twice as much


Specifies if an actor is hurt when wet.


Sets the offset from the ground that the entity is actually at.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.0 The value of the entity's offset from the terrain, in blocks


Sets that this entity is a baby.


Sets that this entity is charged.


Sets that this entity is currently carrying a chest.


Sets that this entity can hide from hostile mobs while invisible.


Sets that this entity is currently on fire.


Sets that this entity is currently saddled.


Sets that this entity is currently shaking.


Sets that this entity is currently sheared.


Sets that this entity is an illager captain.


Sets that this entity is currently stunned.


Sets that this entity can be stacked.


Sets that this entity is currently tamed.


Defines what items can be used to control this entity while ridden


Name Type Default Value Description
control_items List List of items that can be used to control this entity


Sets the loot table for what items this entity drops upon death.


Name Type Default Value Description
table String The path to the loot table, relative to the Behavior Pack's root


Sets the distance through which the entity can push through.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.0 The value of the entity's push-through, in blocks


Sets the entity's visual size.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 1.0 The value of the scale. 1.0 means the entity will appear at the scale they are defined in their model. Higher numbers make the entity bigger


Skin ID value. Can be used to differentiate skins, such as base skins for villagers.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 0 The ID of the skin. By convention, 0 is the ID of the base skin


Sets the entity's base volume for sound effects.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 1.0 The value of the volume the entity uses for sound effects


Used to differentiate the component group of a variant of an entity from others (e.g. ocelot, villager)


Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 0 The ID of the variant. By convention, 0 is the ID of the base entity


Additional variant value. Can be used to further differentiate variants.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 0 The ID of the variant. By convention, 0 is the ID of the base entity


Sets the speed multiplier for this entity's walk animation speed.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 1.0 The higher the number, the faster the animation for walking plays. A value of 1.0 means normal speed, while 2.0 means twice as fast


Sets that this entity wants to become a jockey.


When configured as a rideable entity, the entity will be controlled using WASD controls.



Adds a rider to the entity. Requires minecraft:rideable.


Name Type Default Value Description
entity_type String The entity type that will be riding this entity
spawn_event String The spawn event that will be used when the riding entity is created


Adds a timer for the entity to grow up. It can be accelerated by giving the entity the items it likes as defined by feedItems.


Name Type Default Value Description
duration Decimal 1200.0 Amount of time before the entity grows up, -1 for always a baby.
feedItems List List of items that can be fed to the entity. Includes 'item' for the item name and 'growth' to define how much time it grows up by
drop_items List List of items that the entity drops when it grows up.
grow_up String Event to run when this entity grows up


Defines the entity's 'angry' state using a timer.


Name Type Default Value Description
duration Integer 25 The amount of time in seconds that the entity will be angry
duration_delta Integer 0 Variance in seconds added to the duration [-delta, delta]
broadcastAnger Boolean false If true, other entities of the same entity definition within the broadcastRange will also become angry
broadcastRange Integer 20 Distance in blocks within which other entities of the same entity definition will become angry
broadcast_filters Minecraft Filter Conditions that make this entry in the list valid
calm_event String Event to run after the number of seconds specified in duration expires (when the entity stops being 'angry')


Defines the conditions and behavior of a rideable entity's boost


Name Type Default Value Description
duration Integer 3 Time in seconds for the boost
speed_multiplier Decimal 1.0 Factor by which the entity's normal speed increases. E.g. 2.0 means go twice as fast
boost_items List List of items that can be used to boost while riding this entity. Each item has the following properties:
Name Type Default Value Description
item String Name of the item that can be used to boost
replaceItem String The item used to boost will become this item once it is used up
damage Integer 1 This is the damage that the item will take each time it is used


Allows the actor to break doors assuming that that flags set up for the component to use in navigation


Name Type Default Value Description
break_time Decimal 12.0 The time in seconds required to break through doors.
min_difficulty String hard The minimum difficulty that the world must be on for this entity to break doors.


Defines what blocks this entity can breathe in and gives them the ability to suffocate


Name Type Default Value Description
totalSupply Integer 15 Time in seconds the entity can hold its breath
suffocateTime Integer -20 Time in seconds between suffocation damage
inhaleTime Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds to recover breath to maximum
breathesAir Boolean true If true, this entity can breathe in air
breathesWater Boolean false If true, this entity can breathe in water
breathesLava Boolean false If true, this entity can breathe in lava
breathesSolids Boolean false If true, this entity can breathe in solid blocks
generatesBubbles Boolean true If true, this entity will have visible bubbles while in water
breatheBlocks List List of blocks this entity can breathe in, in addition to the above
nonBreatheBlocks List List of blocks this entity can't breathe in, in addition to the above


Specifies if/how a mob burns in daylight.


Defines the entity's strength to carry items.


Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 1 The initial value of the strength
max Integer 5 The maximum strength of this entity


Defines the way an entity can get into the 'love' state.


Name Type Default Value Description
requireTame Boolean true If true, the entities need to be tamed first before they can breed.
blend_attributes Boolean true If true, the entities will blend their attributes in the offspring after they breed. For example, horses blend their health, movement, and jump_strength in their offspring.
extraBabyChance Decimal 0.0 Chance that up to 16 babies will spawn between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is 100%
breedCooldown Decimal 60.0 Time in seconds before the Entity can breed again
inheritTamed Boolean true If true, the babies will be automatically tamed if its parents are
allowSitting Boolean false If true, entities can breed while sitting
mutation_factor JSON Object Determines how likely the babies are to NOT inherit one of their parent's variances. Values are between 0.0 and 1.0, with a higher number meaning more likely to mutate
Name Type Default Value Description
variant Decimal 0.0 The percentage chance of a mutation on the entity's variant type
extra_variant Decimal 0.0 The percentage chance of a mutation on the entity's extra variant type
color Decimal 0.0 The percentage chance of a mutation on the entity's color
breedItems List The list of items that can be used to get the entity into the 'love' state
environment_requirements List The list of nearby block requirements to get the entity into the 'love' state.
The block types required nearby for the entity to breed.

The number of the required block types nearby for the entity to breed.

How many blocks radius from the mob's center to search in for the required blocks. Bounded between 0 and 16.

breedsWith List The list of entity definitions that this entity can breed with.
Name Type Default Value Description
mateType String The entity definition of this entity's mate
babyType String The entity definition of this entity's babies
breed_event String Event to run when this entity breeds
causes_pregnancy Boolean false If true, the entity will become pregnant instead of spawning a baby.
love_filters Minecraft Filter The filters to run when attempting to fall in love.


Defines the way an entity can get into the 'bribed' state.


Name Type Default Value Description
bribe_cooldown Decimal 2.0 Time in seconds before the Entity can be bribed again
bribe_items List The list of items that can be used to bribe the entity


Defines this entity's inventory properties.


Name Type Default Value Description
container_type String none Type of container this entity has. Can be horse, minecart_chest, minecart_hopper, inventory, container or hopper
inventory_size Integer 5 Number of slots the container has
can_be_siphoned_from Boolean false If true, the contents of this inventory can be removed by a hopper
private Boolean false If true, only the entity can access the inventory
restrict_to_owner Boolean false If true, the entity's inventory can only be accessed by its owner or itself
additional_slots_per_strength Integer 0 Number of slots that this entity can gain per extra strength


Applies defined amount of damage to the entity at specified intervals


Name Type Default Value Description
damagePerHurt Integer 1 Amount of damage caused each hurt
timeBetweenHurt Integer 0 Time in seconds between damage


Defines what events to call when this entity is damaged by specific entities or items. Can be either an array or a single instance.


Name Type Default Value Description
on_damage List List of triggers with the events to call when taking this specific kind of damage, allows specifying filters for entity definitions and events
deals_damage Boolean true If true, the damage dealt to the entity will take away health from it, set to false to make the entity ignore that damage
cause String Type of damage that triggers this set of events


Despawns the associated Actor immediately or when the optional filter evaluates to true.


Name Type Default Value Description
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions that must be satisfied before the Actor is despawned
remove_child_entities Boolean false If true, all entities linked to this entity in a child relationship (eg. leashed) will also be despawned


Creates a trigger based on environment conditions.


Name Type Default Value Description
on_environment List The list of triggers that fire when the environment conditions match the given filter criteria.


Defines an entity's behavior for having items equipped to it


Name Type Default Value Description
slots List List of slots and the item that can be equipped
Name Type Default Value Description
slot Integer 0 The slot number of this slot
accepted_items List The list of items that can go in this slot
item String Identifier of the item that can be equipped for this slot
interact_text String Text to be displayed when the entity can be equipped with this item when playing with Touch-screen controls
on_equip String Event to trigger when this entity is equipped with this item
on_unequip String Event to trigger when this item is removed from this entity


Defines how the entity explodes.


Name Type Default Value Description
fuseLength Range [a, b] [0.0, 0.0] The range for the random amount of time the fuse will be lit before exploding, a negative value means the explosion will be immediate
power Decimal 3.0 The radius of the explosion in blocks and the amount of damage the explosion deals
maxResistance Decimal Infinite A blocks explosion resistance will be capped at this value when an explosion occurs
fuseLit Boolean false If true, the fuse is already lit when this component is added to the entity
causesFire Boolean false If true, blocks in the explosion radius will be set on fire
breaks_blocks Boolean true If true, the explosion will destroy blocks in the explosion radius
fireAffectedByGriefing Boolean false If true, whether the explosion causes fire is affected by the mob griefing game rule
destroyAffectedByGriefing Boolean false If true, whether the explosion breaks blocks is affected by the mob griefing game rule


Allows this entity to generate paths by flying around the air like the regular Ghast.


Name Type Default Value Description
can_path_over_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder whether or not it can travel on the surface of the water
can_sink Boolean true Tells the pathfinder whether or not it will be pulled down by gravity while in water
avoid_sun Boolean false Whether or not the pathfinder should avoid tiles that are exposed to the sun when creating paths
can_pass_doors Boolean true Whether a path can be created through a door
can_open_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door assuming the AI will open the door
can_break_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door and break it
avoid_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid water when creating a path
avoid_portals Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid portals (like nether portals) when finding a path


Allows this entity to generate paths by walking, swimming, flying and/or climbing around and jumping up and down a block.


Name Type Default Value Description
can_path_over_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder whether or not it can travel on the surface of the water
can_sink Boolean true Tells the pathfinder whether or not it will be pulled down by gravity while in water
avoid_sun Boolean false Whether or not the pathfinder should avoid tiles that are exposed to the sun when creating paths
can_pass_doors Boolean true Whether a path can be created through a door
can_open_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door assuming the AI will open the door
can_break_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door and break it
avoid_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid water when creating a path
avoid_portals Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid portals (like nether portals) when finding a path


Defines the interactions with this entity for healing it.


Name Type Default Value Description
items Array The array of items that can be used to heal this entity
Name Type Default Value Description
item String Item identifier that can be used to heal this entity
heal_amount Integer 1 The amount of health this entity gains when fed this item
filters Minecraft Filter The filter group that defines the conditions for using this item to heal the entity
force_use Boolean false Determines if item can be used regardless of entity being at full health
filters Minecraft Filter The filter group that defines the conditions for this trigger


Specifies if an actor is hurt when wet.


Defines the ravager's response to their melee attack being blocked.


Name Type Default Value Description
reaction_choices List [ ] A list of weighted responses to the melee attack being blocked
knockback_strength Decimal 3.0 The strength with which blocking entities should be knocked back


Adds a timer since last rested to see if phantoms should spawn.


Name Type Default Value Description
days_until_insomnia Decimal 3.0 Number of days the mob has to stay up until the insomnia effect begins.


Defines the way a mob's genes and alleles are passed on to it's offspring, and how those traits manifest in the child. Compatible parent genes are crossed together, the alleles are handed down from the parents to the child, and any matching genetic variants fire off JSON events to modify the child and express the traits.


Name Type Default Value Description
mutation_rate Decimal 0.03125 Chance that an allele will be replaced with a random one instead of the parent's allele during birth.
genes List The list of genes that this entity has and will cross with a partner during breeding.
Name Type Default Value Description
name String The name of the gene.
allele_range Integer The range of positive integer allele values for this gene. Spawned mobs will have a random number in this range assigned to them.
Name Type Default Value Description
range_min Integer 0 Lower bound of the allele values for this gene.
range_max Integer 0 Upper bound of the allele values for this gene.
genetic_variants List The list of genetic variants for this gene. These check for particular allele combinations and fire events when all of them are satisfied.
Name Type Default Value Description
main_allele Integer -1 If this value is non-negative, compare the mob's main allele with this value for a match. Can also be a range of integers.
hidden_allele Integer -1 If this value is non-negative, compare the mob's hidden allele with this value for a match. Can also be a range of integers.
either_allele Integer -1 If this value is non-negative, compare both the mob's main and hidden alleles with this value for a match with either. Can also be a range of integers.
both_allele Integer -1 If this value is non-negative, compare both the mob's main and hidden alleles with this value for a match with both. Can also be a range of integers.
birth_event String Event to run when this mob is created and matches the above allele conditions.


Defines sets of items that can be used to trigger events when used on this entity. The item will also be taken and placed in the entity's inventory.


Name Type Default Value Description
cooldown Decimal 0.0 An optional cool down in seconds to prevent spamming interactions.
items List The list of items that can be given to the entity to place in their inventory.
on_give String Event to fire when the correct item is given.


Defines interactions with this entity.


Name Type Default Value Description
cooldown Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds before this entity can be interacted with again
swing Boolean false If true, the player will do the 'swing' animation when interacting with this entity
use_item Boolean false If true, the interaction will use an item
hurt_item Integer 0 The amount of damage the item will take when used to interact with this entity. A value of 0 means the item won't lose durability
interact_text String Text to show when the player is able to interact in this way with this entity when playing with Touch-screen controls
add_items JSON Object Loot table with items to add to the player's inventory upon successful interaction
Name Type Default Value Description
table String File path, relative to the Behavior Pack's path, to the loot table file
spawn_items JSON Object Loot table with items to drop on the ground upon successful interaction
Name Type Default Value Description
table String File path, relative to the Behavior Pack's path, to the loot table file
transform_to_item String The item used will transform to this item upon successful interaction. Format: itemName:auxValue
play_sounds String List of sounds to play when the interaction occurs
spawn_entities String List of entities to spawn when the interaction occurs
on_interact String Event to fire when the interaction occurs
particle_on_start JSON Object Particle effect that will be triggered at the start of the interaction
The type of particle that will be spawned

Will offset the particle this amount in the y direction

Whether or not the particle will appear closer to who performed the interaction


Allows this entity to be leashed and Defines the conditions and events for this entity when is leashed.


Name Type Default Value Description
soft_distance Decimal 4.0 Distance in blocks at which the 'spring' effect starts acting to keep this entity close to the entity that leashed it
hard_distance Decimal 6.0 Distance in blocks at which the leash stiffens, restricting movement
max_distance Decimal 10.0 Distance in blocks at which the leash breaks
on_leash String Event to call when this entity is leashed
on_unleash String Event to call when this entity is unleashed
can_be_stolen Boolean false If true, players can leash this entity even if it is already leashed to another mob


Defines the behavior when another entity looks at this entity.


Name Type Default Value Description
setTarget Boolean true If true, this entity will set the attack target as the entity that looked at it
searchRadius Decimal 10.0 Maximum distance this entity will look for another entity looking at it
mAllowInvulnerable Boolean false If true, invulnerable entities (e.g. Players in creative mode) are considered valid targets
look_cooldown Range [a, b] [0.0, 0.0] The range for the random amount of time during which the entity is 'cooling down' and won't get angered or look for a target
filters Minecraft Filter player Defines the entities that can trigger this component
look_event String The event identifier to run when the entities specified in filters look at this entity


This component is used to implement part of the Wandering Trader behavior


Allows the Entity to be tamed by mounting it.


Name Type Default Value Description
minTemper Integer 0 The minimum value for the entity's random starting temper
maxTemper Integer 100 The maximum value for the entity's random starting temper
feed_text String The text that shows in the feeding interact button
ride_text String The text that shows in the riding interact button
attemptTemperMod Integer 5 The amount the entity's temper will increase when mounted
feedItems JSON Object The list of items that can be used to increase the entity's temper and speed up the taming process
Name Type Default Value Description
item String Name of the item this entity likes and can be used to increase this entity's temper
temperMod Decimal 0.0 The amount of temper this entity gains when fed this item
autoRejectItems JSON Object The list of items that, if carried while interacting with the entity, will anger it
Name Type Default Value Description
item String Name of the item this entity dislikes and will cause it to get angry if used while untamed
tame_event String Event that triggers when the entity becomes tamed


This move control causes the mob to sway side to side giving the impression it is swimming.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_turn Decimal 30.0 The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick.


This move control allows a mob to fly, swim, climb, etc.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_turn Decimal 30.0 The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick.


This move control causes the mob to hop as it moves.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_turn Decimal 30.0 The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick.


This move control causes the mob to fly.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_turn Decimal 30.0 The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick.


This move control allows the mob to swim in water and walk on land.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_turn Decimal 30.0 The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick.


Allows this entity to be named (e.g. using a name tag)


Name Type Default Value Description
name_actions JSON Object Describes the special names for this entity and the events to call when the entity acquires those names
Name Type Default Value Description
on_named String Event to be called when this entity acquires the name specified in 'name_filter'
name_filter String List of special names that will cause the events defined in 'on_named' to fire
default_trigger String Trigger to run when the entity gets named
alwaysShow Boolean false If true, the name will always be shown
allowNameTagRenaming Boolean true If true, this entity can be renamed with name tags


Allows this entity to generate paths by walking around and jumping up and down a block like regular mobs.


Name Type Default Value Description
can_path_over_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder whether or not it can travel on the surface of the water
can_sink Boolean true Tells the pathfinder whether or not it will be pulled down by gravity while in water
avoid_sun Boolean false Whether or not the pathfinder should avoid tiles that are exposed to the sun when creating paths
can_pass_doors Boolean true Whether a path can be created through a door
can_open_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door assuming the AI will open the door
can_break_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door and break it
avoid_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid water when creating a path
avoid_portals Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid portals (like nether portals) when finding a path


Defines the entity's 'peek' behavior, defining the events that should be called during it


Name Type Default Value Description
on_open String Event to call when the entity starts peeking
on_close String Event to call when the entity is done peeking
on_target_open String Event to call when the entity's target entity starts peeking


Specifies costing information for mobs that prefer to walk on preferred paths.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_fall_blocks Integer 3 Distance mob can fall without taking damage
jump_cost Integer 0 Added cost for jumping up a node
default_block_cost Decimal 0 Cost for non-preferred blocks
preferred_path_blocks List A list of blocks with their associated cost


Allows the entity to be a thrown entity.


Name Type Default Value Description
gravity Decimal 0.05 The gravity applied to this entity when thrown. The higher the value, the faster the entity falls
particle String iconcrack Particle to use upon collision
reflectOnHurt Boolean false If true, this entity will be reflected back when hit
destroyOnHurt Boolean false If true, this entity will be destroyed when hit
offset Vector [a, b, c] [0.0, 0.5, 0.0] The offset from the entity's anchor where the projectile will spawn
power Decimal 1.3 Determines the velocity of the projectile
angleoffset Decimal 0.0 Determines the angle at which the projectile is thrown
uncertaintyBase Decimal 0.0 The base accuracy. Accuracy is determined by the formula uncertaintyBase - difficultyLevel * uncertaintyMultiplier
uncertaintyMultiplier Decimal 0.0 Determines how much difficulty affects accuracy. Accuracy is determined by the formula uncertaintyBase - difficultyLevel * uncertaintyMultiplier
critParticleOnHurt Boolean false If true, the projectile will produce additional particles when a critical hit happens
knockback Boolean true If true, the projectile will knock back the entity it hits
filter String Entity Definitions defined here can't be hurt by the projectile
semirandomdiffdamage Boolean false If true, damage will be randomized based on damage and speed
onFireTime Decimal 5.0 Time in seconds that the entity hit will be on fire for
catchFire Boolean false If true, the entity hit will be set on fire
lightning Boolean false If true, the entity hit will be struck by lightning
fireAffectedByGriefing Boolean false If true, whether the projectile causes fire is affected by the mob griefing game rule
potionEffect Integer -1 Defines the effect the arrow will apply to the entity it hits
splashRange Decimal 4.0 Radius in blocks of the 'splash' effect
splashPotion Boolean false If true, the projectile will be treated like a splash potion
isdangerous Boolean false If true, the projectile will be treated as dangerous to the players
shoottarget Boolean true If true, the projectile will be shot towards the target of the entity firing it
shootSound String The sound that plays when the projectile is shot
hitSound String The sound that plays when the projectile hits something
inertia Decimal 0.99 The fraction of the projectile's speed maintained every frame while traveling in air
liquid_inertia Decimal 0.6 The fraction of the projectile's speed maintained every frame while traveling in water
homing Boolean false If true, the projectile homes in to the nearest entity
shouldbounce Boolean false If true, the projectile will bounce upon hit
multipletargets Boolean true If true, the projectile can hit multiple entities per flight


Attempts to trigger a raid at the entity's location.


Name Type Default Value Description
triggered_event String Event to run we attempt to trigger a raid on the village.


Defines the behavior of the entity when the rail gets activated or deactivated.


Name Type Default Value Description
check_block_types Boolean false If true, on tick this entity will trigger its on_deactivate behavior
tick_command_block_on_activate Boolean true If true, command blocks will start ticking when passing over an activated rail
tick_command_block_on_deactivate Boolean false If false, command blocks will stop ticking when passing over a deactivated rail
eject_on_activate Boolean true If true, this entity will eject all of its riders when it passes over an activated rail
eject_on_deactivate Boolean false If true, this entity will eject all of its riders when it passes over a deactivated rail
on_activate String Event to call when the rail is activated
on_deactivate String Event to call when the rail is deactivated


Defines the entity's movement on the rails. An entity with this component is only allowed to move on the rail.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_speed Decimal 0.4 Maximum speed that this entity will move at when on the rail


Determines whether this entity can be ridden. Allows specifying the different seat positions and quantity.


Name Type Default Value Description
seat_count Integer 1 The number of entities that can ride this entity at the same time
crouching_skip_interact Boolean true If true, this entity can't be interacted with if the entity interacting with it is crouching
interact_text String The text to display when the player can interact with the entity when playing with Touch-screen controls
family_types List List of entities that can ride this entity
controlling_seat Integer 0 The seat that designates the driver of the entity
pull_in_entities Boolean false If true, this entity will pull in entities that are in the correct family_types into any available seats
rider_can_interact Boolean false If true, this entity will be picked when looked at by the rider
seats List The list of positions and number of riders for each position for entities riding this entity
Name Type Default Value Description
position Vector [a, b, c] [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Position of this seat relative to this entity's position
min_rider_count Integer 0 Defines the minimum number of riders that need to be riding this entity before this seat can be used
max_rider_count Integer 0 Defines the maximum number of riders that can be riding this entity for this seat to be valid
rotate_rider_by Decimal 0.0 Offset to rotate riders by
lock_rider_rotation Decimal 181.0 Angle in degrees that a rider is allowed to rotate while riding this entity. Omit this property for no limit


Defines the entity's size interpolation based on the entity's age.


Name Type Default Value Description
start_scale Decimal 1.0 Initial scale of the newborn entity
end_scale Decimal 1.0 Ending scale of the entity when it's fully grown


Defines the entity's 'sit' state.


Name Type Default Value Description
sit_event String Event to run when the entity enters the 'sit' state
stand_event String Event to run when the entity exits the 'sit' state


Move control that causes the mob to jump as it moves with a specified delay between jumps.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_turn Decimal 30.0 The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick.
jump_delay Range [a, b] [0.0, 0.0] Delay after landing when using the slime move control.


This component accents the movement of an entity.


Name Type Default Value Description
max_turn Decimal 30.0 The maximum number in degrees the mob can turn per tick.


Adds a timer after which this entity will spawn another entity or item (similar to vanilla's chicken's egg-laying behavior).


Name Type Default Value Description
should_leash Boolean false If true, this the spawned entity will be leashed to the parent
num_to_spawn Integer 1 The number of entities of this type to spawn each time that this triggers
min_wait_time Integer 300 Minimum amount of time to randomly wait in seconds before another entity is spawned
max_wait_time Integer 600 Maximum amount of time to randomly wait in seconds before another entity is spawned
spawn_sound String plop Identifier of the sound effect to play when the entity is spawned
spawn_item String egg Item identifier of the item to spawn
spawn_entity String Identifier of the entity to spawn, leave empty to spawn the item defined above instead
spawn_method String born Method to use to spawn the entity
spawn_event String minecraft:entity_born Event to call when the entity is spawned
filters Minecraft Filter If present, the specified entity will only spawn if the filter evaluates to true
single_use Boolean false If true, this component will only ever spawn the specified entity once


Defines a list of items the mob wants to share. Each item must have the following parameters:


Name Type Default Value Description
items List List of items that the entity wants to share
The name of the item

Number of this item this entity wants to share

Number of this item considered extra that the entity wants to share

Defines the item this entity wants to craft with the item defined above. Should be an item name


Defines the entity's ranged attack behavior.


Name Type Default Value Description
def String Actor definition to use as projectile for the ranged attack. The actor definition must have the projectile component to be able to be shot as a projectile
auxVal Integer -1 ID of the Potion effect to be applied on hit


Defines the rules for a mob to be tamed by the player.


Name Type Default Value Description
probability Decimal 1.0 The chance of taming the entity with each item use between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is 100%
tameItems List The list of items that can be used to tame this entity
tame_event String Event to run when this entity becomes tamed


Defines the entity's range within which it can see or sense other entities to target them.


Name Type Default Value Description
inside_range Decimal 1.0 Maximum distance in blocks that another entity will be considered in the 'inside' range
outside_range Decimal 5.0 Maximum distance in blocks that another entity will be considered in the 'outside' range
on_inside_range String Event to call when an entity gets in the inside range. Can specify 'event' for the name of the event and 'target' for the target of the event
on_outside_range String Event to call when an entity gets in the outside range. Can specify 'event' for the name of the event and 'target' for the target of the event


Defines an entity's teleporting behavior.


Name Type Default Value Description
randomTeleports Boolean true If true, the entity will teleport randomly
minRandomTeleportTime Decimal 0.0 Minimum amount of time in seconds between random teleports
maxRandomTeleportTime Decimal 20.0 Maximum amount of time in seconds between random teleports
randomTeleportCube Vector [a, b, c] [32.0, 16.0, 32.0] Entity will teleport to a random position within the area defined by this cube
targetDistance Decimal 16.0 Maximum distance the entity will teleport when chasing a target
target_teleport_chance Decimal 1.0 The chance that the entity will teleport between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 means 100%
lightTeleportChance Decimal 0.01 Modifies the chance that the entity will teleport if the entity is in daylight
darkTeleportChance Decimal 0.01 Modifies the chance that the entity will teleport if the entity is in darkness


Defines if the entity ticks the world and the radius around it to tick.


Name Type Default Value Description
radius Positive Integer 2 The area around the entity to tick. Default: 2. Allowed range: 2-6.
distance_to_players Decimal 128 The distance at which the closest player has to be before this entity despawns. This option will be ignored if never_despawn is true. Min: 128 blocks.
never_despawn Boolean true If true, this entity will not despawn even if players are far away. If false, distance_to_players will be used to determine when to despawn.


Adds a timer after which an event will fire.


Name Type Default Value Description
looping Boolean true If true, the timer will restart every time after it fires
randomInterval Boolean true If true, the amount of time on the timer will be random between the min and max values specified in time
time Range [a, b] [0.0, 0.0] Amount of time in seconds for the timer. Can be specified as a number or a pair of numbers (min and max). Incompatible with random_time_choices.
time_down_event String Event to fire when the time on the timer runs out
random_time_choices List [ ] This is a list of objects, representing one value in seconds that can be picked before firing the event and an optional weight. Incompatible with time.


Defines this entity's ability to trade with players.


Name Type Default Value Description
display_name String Name to be displayed while trading with this entity
table String File path relative to the resource pack root for this entity's trades
new_screen Boolean false Used to determine if trading with entity opens the new trade screen
hero_demand_discount Integer -4 How much should Demand be modified by when the player has the Hero of the Village mob effect
persist_trades Boolean false Determines if the trades should persist when the mob transforms. This makes it so that the next time the mob is transformed to something with a trade_table or economy_trade_table, then it keeps their trades.
convert_trades_economy Boolean false Determines when the mob transforms, if the trades should be converted when the new mob has a economy_trade_table. When the trades are converted, the mob will generate a new trade list with their new trade table, but then it will try to convert any of the same trades over to have the same enchantments and user data. For example, if the original has a Emerald to Enchanted Iron Sword (Sharpness 1), and the new trade also has an Emerald for Enchanted Iron Sword, then the enchantment will be Sharpness 1.


Defines this entity's ability to trade with players.


Name Type Default Value Description
display_name String Name to be displayed while trading with this entity
table String File path relative to the resource pack root for this entity's trades
new_screen Boolean false Used to determine if trading with entity opens the new trade screen
persist_trades Boolean false Determines if the trades should persist when the mob transforms. This makes it so that the next time the mob is transformed to something with a trade_table or economy_trade_table, then it keeps their trades.
convert_trades_economy Boolean false Determines when the mob transforms, if the trades should be converted when the new mob has a economy_trade_table. When the trades are converted, the mob will generate a new trade list with their new trade table, but then it will try to convert any of the same trades over to have the same enchantments and user data. For example, if the original has a Emerald to Enchanted Iron Sword (Sharpness 1), and the new trade also has an Emerald for Enchanted Iron Sword, then the enchantment will be Sharpness 1.


Defines an entity's transformation from the current definition into another


Name Type Default Value Description
begin_transform_sound String Sound to play when the transformation starts
transformation_sound String Sound to play when the entity is done transforming
into String Entity Definition that this entity will transform into
drop_equipment Boolean Cause the entity to drop all equipment upon transformation
keep_owner Boolean If this entity is owned by another entity, it should remain owned after transformation.
keep_level Boolean If this entity has trades and has leveled up, it should maintain that level after transformation.
add JSON Object List of components to add to the entity after the transformation
Name Type Default Value Description
component_groups List Names of component groups to add
delay JSON Object Defines the properties of the delay for the transformation
Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.0 Time in seconds before the entity transforms
block_assist_chance Decimal 0.0 Chance that the entity will look for nearby blocks that can speed up the transformation. Value must be between 0.0 and 1.0
block_radius Integer 0 Distance in Blocks that the entity will search for blocks that can help the transformation
block_max Integer 0 Maximum number of blocks the entity will look for to aid in the transformation. If not defined or set to 0, it will be set to the block radius
block_chance Decimal 0.0 Chance that, once a block is found, will help speed up the transformation
block_types List List of blocks that can help the transformation of this entity


Defines the rules for a mob to trust players.


Name Type Default Value Description
probability Decimal 1.0 The chance of the entity trusting with each item use between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 is 100%
trust_items List The list of items that can be used to get the entity to trust players
trust_event String Event to run when this entity becomes trusting


Allows this entity to generate paths that include vertical walls like the vanilla Spiders do.


Name Type Default Value Description
can_path_over_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder whether or not it can travel on the surface of the water
can_sink Boolean true Tells the pathfinder whether or not it will be pulled down by gravity while in water
avoid_sun Boolean false Whether or not the pathfinder should avoid tiles that are exposed to the sun when creating paths
can_pass_doors Boolean true Whether a path can be created through a door
can_open_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door assuming the AI will open the door
can_break_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door and break it
avoid_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid water when creating a path
avoid_portals Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid portals (like nether portals) when finding a path


Allows this entity to generate paths that include water.


Name Type Default Value Description
can_path_over_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder whether or not it can travel on the surface of the water
can_sink Boolean true Tells the pathfinder whether or not it will be pulled down by gravity while in water
avoid_sun Boolean false Whether or not the pathfinder should avoid tiles that are exposed to the sun when creating paths
can_pass_doors Boolean true Whether a path can be created through a door
can_open_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door assuming the AI will open the door
can_break_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door and break it
avoid_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid water when creating a path
avoid_portals Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid portals (like nether portals) when finding a path



Name Type Default Value Description
drag_factor Decimal 0.8 Drag factor to determine movement speed when in water.


Defines a dynamic type jump control that will change jump properties based on the speed modifier of the mob.


Determines that this entity is an item hopper


Gives the entity the ability to jump.


Name Type Default Value Description
jump_power Decimal 0.42 The initial vertical velocity for the jump


Allows this entity to generate paths in the air like the vanilla Parrots do.


Name Type Default Value Description
can_path_over_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder whether or not it can travel on the surface of the water
can_sink Boolean true Tells the pathfinder whether or not it will be pulled down by gravity while in water
avoid_sun Boolean false Whether or not the pathfinder should avoid tiles that are exposed to the sun when creating paths
can_pass_doors Boolean true Whether a path can be created through a door
can_open_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door assuming the AI will open the door
can_break_doors Boolean false Tells the pathfinder that it can path through a closed door and break it
avoid_water Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid water when creating a path
avoid_portals Boolean false Tells the pathfinder to avoid portals (like nether portals) when finding a path


Allows the player to detect and manuever on the scaffolding block.


fires off scheduled mob events at time of day events.


Name Type Default Value Description
scheduled_event List The list of triggers that fire when the conditions match the given filter criteria. If any filter criteria overlap the first defined event will be picked


Allows the actor to open doors assuming that that flags set up for the component to use in navigation


Sets that this entity is an illager captain.


Specifies the blocks that this entity can break as it moves around.


Name Type Default Value Description
breakable_blocks List A list of the blocks that can be broken as this entity moves around



Only usable by the Ender Dragon. Adds a trigger to call on this entity's death.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Adds a trigger that will run when a nearby entity of the same type as this entity becomes Angry.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Adds a trigger to call when this entity takes damage.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Adds a trigger to call when this entity is attacked by the player.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Adds a trigger to call when this entity is set on fire.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Only usable by the Ender Dragon. Adds a trigger to call when this entity lands.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Only usable by the Ender Dragon. Adds a trigger to call when this entity starts flying.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Adds a trigger to call when this entity finds a target.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Adds a trigger to call when this entity loses the target it currently has.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger


Adds a trigger to call when this pet's owner awakes after sleeping with the pet.


Name Type Default Value Description
event String The event to run when the conditions for this trigger are met
target String self The target of the event
filters Minecraft Filter The list of conditions for this trigger

Built-in Events


Name Description
minecraft:entity_transformed Event called on an entity that transforms into another entity.
minecraft:entity_born Event called on an entity that is spawned through two entities breeding.
minecraft:entity_spawned Event called on an entity that is placed in the level.
minecraft:on_prime Event called on an entity whose fuse is lit and is ready to explode.

ID Lists


Entity Description Properties


animations 0
scripts 0



minecraft:attack 1651346034
minecraft:spell_effects 523264365
minecraft:strength 648564399
minecraft:strength 648564399



minecraft:ambient_sound_interval -1314051310
minecraft:can_climb -550459594
minecraft:can_fly 985724318
minecraft:can_power_jump -763124853
minecraft:collision_box -1277663508
minecraft:color 1069623177
minecraft:color2 0
minecraft:default_look_angle -815556357
minecraft:is_dyeable 1381448355
minecraft:equipment 714661022
minecraft:fire_immune -1071767182
minecraft:type_family -255011285
minecraft:floats_in_liquid 179778474
minecraft:flying_speed -570508595
minecraft:foot_size 1133270874
minecraft:friction_modifier -714364556
minecraft:ground_offset -1816881803
minecraft:is_baby 1853172763
minecraft:is_charged 125340337
minecraft:is_chested -817599379
minecraft:is_hidden_when_invisible -1553744
minecraft:is_ignited 905710223
minecraft:is_saddled 1037901616
minecraft:is_shaking 523951884
minecraft:is_sheared 1154836813
minecraft:is_illager_captain 0
minecraft:is_stunned 0
minecraft:is_stackable 1184456737
minecraft:is_tamed 1646421078
minecraft:item_controllable 1868311069
minecraft:loot 1775814032
minecraft:push_through -138030768
minecraft:scale 77854436
minecraft:skin_id 1838729593
minecraft:sound_volume 937951776
minecraft:variant -1789583977
minecraft:mark_variant 663621689
minecraft:walk_animation_speed 972393614
minecraft:wants_jockey 1832515141
minecraft:input_ground_controlled -646415617
minecraft:is_illager_captain 0



minecraft:burns_in_daylight 1256874605
minecraft:hurt_when_wet 237531867
minecraft:addrider -1014528905
minecraft:ageable 1092934985
minecraft:angry 725411499
minecraft:boostable -8316315
minecraft:annotation.break_door 0
minecraft:breathable -707187232
minecraft:burns_in_daylight 1256874605
minecraft:breedable -1616430100
minecraft:bribeable 0
minecraft:inventory 1941951218
minecraft:damage_over_time 0
minecraft:damage_sensor -82616534
minecraft:despawn 0
minecraft:environment_sensor 687748970
minecraft:equippable -1164142226
minecraft:explode -1683058581
minecraft:navigation.float -842998036
minecraft:navigation.generic 0
minecraft:healable -54247424
minecraft:hurt_when_wet 237531867
minecraft:ravager_blocked 0
minecraft:insomnia -300455606
minecraft:genetics -82484670
minecraft:giveable 1739199795
minecraft:interact -1996861528
minecraft:leashable 893445039
minecraft:lookat -1329707008
minecraft:managed_wandering_trader 0
minecraft:tamemount 1615660288
minecraft:movement.sway 0
minecraft:movement.generic 0
minecraft:movement.skip -1828832272
minecraft:movement.fly -1487316136
minecraft:movement.amphibious 0
minecraft:nameable -595398763
minecraft:navigation.walk 1909033775
minecraft:peek -863721039
minecraft:preferred_path 0
minecraft:projectile 1922456869
minecraft:raid_trigger 2093209329
minecraft:rail_sensor 1273161273
minecraft:rail_movement -78235634
minecraft:rideable 1656173828
minecraft:scale_by_age 64881972
minecraft:sittable -1376274106
minecraft:movement.jump 1256268727
minecraft:movement.basic 3354475
minecraft:spawn_entity 1991964333
minecraft:shareables 1301057082
minecraft:shooter 184150118
minecraft:tameable 932870003
minecraft:target_nearby_sensor 1309819882
minecraft:teleport -1900891127
minecraft:tick_world -381759296
minecraft:timer 1862095863
minecraft:economy_trade_table 0
minecraft:trade_table 50480315
minecraft:transformation -457894577
minecraft:trusting 936499892
minecraft:navigation.climb -1075360945
minecraft:navigation.swim 1908076634
minecraft:water_movement 0
minecraft:jump.dynamic 945664737
minecraft:item_hopper -447601772
minecraft:jump.static 1064987526
minecraft:navigation.fly -1997823129
minecraft:scaffolding_climber 169799877
minecraft:scheduler -684492525
minecraft:annotation.open_door 0
minecraft:break_blocks 0



minecraft:on_death -49357854
minecraft:on_friendly_anger -1009986313
minecraft:on_hurt -1028603471
minecraft:on_hurt_by_player -599009831
minecraft:on_ignite -1911489054
minecraft:on_start_landing -555648368
minecraft:on_start_takeoff 426083399
minecraft:on_target_acquired 1063277906
minecraft:on_target_escape -1373130027
minecraft:on_wake_with_owner -1543219003

Data-Driven Spawning

Data-Driven spawning allows you to adjust the spawn conditions of mobs, including new mobs added to the game to spawn naturally in biomes, add / remove a mob's spawn egg to the creative inventory and set the mob's spawn egg, and add / remove a to the / summon command

Spawn Rules

Getting Started

New Spawn Rules are contained within a Behavior Pack. To begin, create a new folder named "spawn_rules" in the root of the Behavior Pack that you want to add the new biome spawn rules in. In the spawn_rules folder, create a JSON file and give it a name. The JSON file needs a format, description and conditions.Spawn rules contain description and conditionsAll Spawn Rules JSON need to have an ID (located under the description section). Similar to other identifiers, it follows the convention "namespace:name". The minecraft namespace is reserved for the vanilla Minecraft rules.When changing an existing mob use the ID that appears in the entity JSON for that entity. When creating your own mob, make sure the mobs have the same ID in all the entity's JSON files.

Spawn Rules also needs to define the pool that is used for population control.Each pool has their own spawn limit, By setting an entity to a pool it will spawn as long as that pool hasn't reached the spawn limit.

There are 3 pools that entities can be assigned to :


Conditions contain different components that players can use to customize natural biome spawning.


Name Description
minecraft:spawns_on_surface This component allows the mob to spawn on the ground. Adding the component cause it to be true, removing it cause the mob to stop spawning on the surface.
minecraft:spawns_underwater This component allows the mob to spawn underwater. Adding the component cause it to be true, removing it cause the mob to stop spawning on the surface.
minecraft:brightness_filter This component allows players to set the light level range that causes the mob to spawn.
Name Type Default Value Description
min Decimal 0.0 This is the minimum light level value that allows the mob to spawn
max Decimal 15.0 This is the maximum light level value that allows the mob to spawn
adjust_for_weather Boolean false This determines if weather can affect the light level conditions that cause the mob to spawn (e.g. Allowing hostile mobs to spawn during the day when it rains.)
minecraft:weight This component allows players to give a priority to how often that mob should spawn. Mobs with lower weight values have a higher chance to spawn than mobs with higher weight values.
Name Type Default Value Description
default Decimal 0.0 This is the priority of the mob spawning
minecraft:difficulty_filter This component allows players determine what mobs spawn when certain difficulty levels are set.
Name Type Default Value Description
min String This is the minimum difficulty level that a mob spawns
max String This is the maximum difficulty level that a mob spawns
minecraft:herd This component allows players to determine the herd size of animals.
Name Type Default Value Description
min_size Decimal This is the minimum number of mobs that spawn in a herd
max_size Decimal This is the maximum number of mobs that spawn in a herd
event String This is an event that can be triggered from spawning
event_skip_count Decimal This is the number of mobs spawned before the specified event is triggered
minecraft:biome_filter This component allows the players to specify which biomes the mob spawns in. Check below to see which Biome Tags exist, and what each biome is tagged as.

Biome Tags

Each biome in the game has one or more tags. These are used to determine what biomes mobs spawn in. Here is the list of Biome tags that can be used:

Tagged Biomes

Biome Tags
Plains animal, monster, plains
Desert monster, desert
Mountain animal, monster, extreme_hills
Forest animal, monster, forest
Taiga animal, monster, taiga
Swamp animal, monster, swamp
River river
Nether nether
The End the_end
Frozen Ocean ocean, frozen
Frozen River river, frozen
Snowy Tundra frozen, ice_plain, ice
Snowy Mountains frozen, ice, mountain
Mushroom Fields mooshroom_island
Mushroom Fields Shore mooshroom_island, shore
Beach monster, beach, warm
Desert Hills monster, desert, hills
Forest Hills animal, monster, hills
Taiga Hills animal, monster, taiga, hills
Mountain Edge animal, monster, extreme_hills, edge, mountain
Jungle animal, monster, jungle
Jungle Hills animal, monster, jungle, hills
Jungle Edge animal, monster, jungle, edge
Snowy Beach monster, beach, cold
Stone Shore monster, beach, stone
Birch Forest animal, monster, birch, forest
Birch Forest Hills animal, monster, birch, forest, hills
Dark Forest animal, monster, forest, roofed
Snowy Taiga animal, monster, taiga, cold
Snowy Taiga Hills animal, monster, taiga, cold, hills
Giant Tree Taiga animal, monster, taiga, mega
Giant Tree Taiga Hills animal, monster, taiga, mega, hills
Wooded Mountain animal, monster, extreme_hills, forest, mountain
Savanna animal, monster, savanna
Savanna Plateau animal, monster, savanna
Mesa monster
Mesa Plateau Stone monster, plataeu
Mesa Plateau monster, mesa
Ocean ocean, monster
Deep Ocean ocean, monster, deep
Warm Ocean ocean, warm, monster
Deep Warm Ocean ocean, warm, monster, deep
Lukewarm Ocean ocean, lukewarm, monster
Deep Lukewarm Ocean ocean, lukewarm, monster, deep
Cold Ocean ocean, cold, monster
Deep Cold Ocean ocean, cold, monster, deep
Frozen Ocean ocean, frozen, monster
Deep Frozen Ocean ocean, frozen, monster, deep
Plains M animal, monster, plains, mutated
Swamp M animal, monster, swamp, mutated
Snowy Tundra M monster, frozen, ice_plains, mutated
Cold Taiga M animal, monster, taiga, cold, mutated
Savanna M animal, monster, savanna, mutated
Savanna Plateau M animal, monster, savanna, plateau, mutated
Dark Forest M animal, monster, roofed, forest, mutated
Desert M monster, desert, mutated
Forest M monster, flower_forest, forest, mutated
Taiga M animal, monster, taiga, mutated
Jungle M animal, monster, jungle, mutated
Jungle Edge M animal, monster, jungle, edge, mutated
Mesa M animal, monster, mesa, mutated
Mesa Plateau M monster, mesa, plateau, mutated
Mesa Plateau Stone M monster, mesa, plateau, mutated, stone
Birch Forest M animal, monster, forest, birch, mutated
Birch Forest Hills M animal, monster, forest, birch, mutated, hills
Giant Trees Taiga M animal, monster, mutated, mega
Mountain M animal, monster, extreme_hills, mutated
Mountain + M animal, monster, extreme_hills, mutated, forest
Giant Tree Taiga Hills M animal, monster, taiga, mega, hills, mutated

Example Spawn Rules for the zombie
"format_version": "1.8.0",
  "minecraft:spawn_rules": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "minecraft:zombie",
      "population_control": "monster"
    "conditions": [
        "minecraft:spawns_on_surface": {},
        "minecraft:brightness_filter": {
          "min": 0,
          "max": 7,
          "adjust_for_weather": true
        "minecraft:difficulty_filter": {
          "min": "easy",
          "max": "hard"
        "minecraft:weight": {
          "default": 100
        "minecraft:herd": {
          "min_size": 2,
          "max_size": 4
        "minecraft:permute_type": [
            "weight": 95
            "weight": 5,
            "entity_type": "minecraft:zombie_villager"
        "minecraft:biome_filter": {
          "test": "has_biome_tag", "operator": "==", "value": "monster"

ID Lists

Component IDs


Name Type Default Value Description
minecraft:behavior.avoid_mob_type 386517767
minecraft:behavior.beg 1346418048
minecraft:behavior.break_door -1798237626
minecraft:behavior.stomp_turtle_egg 851839416
minecraft:behavior.breed 51166360
minecraft:behavior.charge_held_item 81480366
minecraft:behavior.defend_village_target 1469600895
minecraft:behavior.drink_potion 277029334
minecraft:behavior.door_interact -286762735
minecraft:behavior.eat_block 1972447274
minecraft:behavior.explore_outskirts -1955198366
minecraft:behavior.flee_sun -617664229
minecraft:behavior.float 1758503000
minecraft:behavior.follow_owner 1213259599
minecraft:behavior.follow_parent 2127040136
minecraft:behavior.follow_caravan 9936402
minecraft:behavior.follow_mob -1524701626
minecraft:behavior.go_home -1579225026
minecraft:behavior.knockback_roar -1304117826
minecraft.behavior.scared 0
minecraft:behavior.move_to_water 1886139445
minecraft:behavior.move_to_land -943551837
minecraft.behavior.move_to_poi 0
minecraft:behavior.move_to_village -805189394
minecraft.behavior.hide 0
minecraft.behavior.work 0
minecraft:behavior.random_breach 928528911
minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target -2032255557
minecraft:behavior.hurt_by_target -1710404297
minecraft:behavior.owner_hurt_by_target 530667419
minecraft:behavior.owner_hurt_target 995655261
minecraft:behavior.lay_egg -1207740530
minecraft:behavior.look_at_player -1892159379
minecraft:behavior.look_at_target -885375871
minecraft:behavior.look_at_entity -1735428573
minecraft:behavior.look_at_trading_player -2094605693
minecraft:behavior.mount_pathing 1112137677
minecraft:behavior.move_indoors 2107078532
minecraft:behavior.move_through_village 779377630
minecraft:behavior.move_towards_restriction 1288087401
minecraft:behavior.move_towards_target -166537884
minecraft:behavior.follow_target_captain -135480526
minecraft:behavior.move_to_random_block 395022171
minecraft:behavior.ocelotattack 560197714
minecraft:behavior.ocelot_sit_on_block -1327999383
minecraft:behavior.lay_down -2074934675
minecraft:behavior.offer_flower -885387854
minecraft:behavior.open_door -906200433
minecraft:behavior.panic -169886247
minecraft:behavior.run_around_like_crazy -1390363669
minecraft:behavior.restrict_sun -382716017
minecraft:behavior.restrict_open_door 715583988
minecraft:behavior.random_look_around 1177762851
minecraft:behavior.silverfish_merge_with_stone 321908121
minecraft:behavior.silverfish_wake_up_friends 484391748
minecraft:behavior.stay_while_sitting 1346980478
minecraft:behavior.make_love -1551283431
minecraft:behavior.snacking 875141064
minecraft:behavior.random_sitting 1722716662
minecraft:behavior.melee_attack 1848335663
minecraft:behavior.stomp_attack -1851446496
minecraft:behavior.delayed_attack 943514889
minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack -2093407250
minecraft:behavior.random_stroll -1643504294
minecraft:behavior.random_swim -1465281278
minecraft:behavior.random_fly -446385505
minecraft:behavior.swim_wander -1576142514
minecraft:behavior.tempt 422904556
minecraft:behavior.trade_interest -574851053
minecraft:behavior.peek 211304085
minecraft:behavior.play -505601580
minecraft:behavior.receive_love 1156694272
minecraft:behavior.take_flower 1218648257
minecraft:behavior.harvest_farm_block 10843010
minecraft:behavior.squid_idle 1741234679
minecraft:behavior.squid_flee 1304043261
minecraft:behavior.squid_move_away_from_ground 892387674
minecraft:behavior.squid_out_of_water -1347598607
minecraft:behavior.squid_dive 1626998843
minecraft:behavior.skeleton_horse_trap 530952387
minecraft:behavior.sleep -1811763
minecraft:behavior.swell -1473132493
minecraft:behavior.dragonholdingpattern 1066617362
minecraft:behavior.dragonlanding -152352492
minecraft:behavior.dragonscanning -1003941066
minecraft:behavior.dragonflaming -865288877
minecraft:behavior.dragontakeoff -1912535317
minecraft:behavior.dragonchargeplayer 1808565780
minecraft:behavior.dragonstrafeplayer -1510265153
minecraft:behavior.dragondeath -1541162059
minecraft:behavior.enderman_leave_block -717580550
minecraft:behavior.enderman_take_block -537294220
minecraft:behavior.leap_at_target 256926956
minecraft:behavior.guardian_attack -579215554
minecraft:behavior.slime_float -1480876341
minecraft:behavior.slime_keep_on_jumping -1844762087
minecraft:behavior.slime_random_direction 1437515506
minecraft:behavior.slime_attack -1315951081
minecraft:behavior.raid_garden -1145687602
minecraft:behavior.inspect_bookshelf 40191182
minecraft:behavior.player_ride_tamed 603869698
minecraft:behavior.find_mount 731306871
minecraft:behavior.controlled_by_player 1633000292
minecraft:behavior.wither_random_attack_pos_goal -528895885
minecraft:behavior.wither_target_highest_damage -1065562072
minecraft:behavior.float_wander -1122048364
minecraft:behavior.trade_with_player -2048563493
minecraft:behavior.summon_entity -2005850647
minecraft:behavior.mingle 385775952
minecraft:behavior.send_event -823429137
minecraft:behavior.charge_attack -1921442265
minecraft:behavior.vex_random_move -1117822165
minecraft:behavior.vex_copy_owner_target -643459543
minecraft:behavior.pickup_items 644287189
minecraft:behavior.share_items 2045906118
minecraft:behavior.find_underwater_treasure -1602192311
minecraft:behavior.circle_around_anchor -698025586
minecraft:behavior.swoop_attack 770804235
minecraft:behavior.pet_sleep_with_owner 1379392240
minecraft:behavior.drop_item_for 1846615759
minecraft:behavior.sneeze 1528584076
minecraft:behavior.roll 817471653

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