
This is documentation for a beta release of Minecraft. New features, components, and capabilities in this release are not final and might change without notice before the final release.
Be sure to check the documentation once the release is out of beta if your add-on isn't working properly. Resource and Behavior Packs created for the beta are not guaranteed to work on the final release.



Items are setup in Json files under the behavior_packs, /'name of pack'/, items directory.

Item Components

Here is a list of all item components and their settings.

Item Component Settings:

"format_version": "1.12.0",
"minecraft:item": {
  "description": {
  "identifier": "minecraft:apple"
  "components": {
    "minecraft:max_damage": 10,          // max damage item has, this is used like item max health.
    "minecraft:hand_equipped": false,    // is this a hand equipped item.
    "minecraft:stacked_by_data": false,  // stacked by data aux value or not?
    "minecraft:foil": false,             // foil or glint.
    "minecraft:block": ,               // block name, leave blank for no block.
    "minecraft:max_stack_size": 64,      // max stack size.
    "minecraft:use_duration": 32,        // how long to use before item is done being used.
    "minecraft:food": { 
      "nutrition": 4,                    // nutrition amount.
      "saturation_modifier": "low"     // choose: poor, low, normal, good, max, supernatural.
      "using_converts_to": 4,            // after using,  item converts it to this item.
      "on_use_action": 4,                // 'chorus_teleport' or 'none'.
      "on_use_range": 4,                 // array of 3 ranges.
      "cooldown_type": 4,                // 'chorusfruit' or 'none'.
      "cooldown_time": 4,                // cooldown time in ticks.
      "can_always_eat": 4,               // can always eat this item? true or false.
      "effects": [,                      // effects.
           "name": "regeneration",     // name of effect: regeneration, absorption, resistance, fire_resistance
            "chance": 1.0,                // float chance for effect to happen 
            "duration": 30,               // int duration of effect 
            "amplifier": 4,               // int amplifier
            "name": "absorption",                       
            "chance" : 1.0,                               
            "duration" : 120,                             
            "amplifier" : 3                               
    "minecraft:seed": {                                  
      "crop_result": "sweet_berry_bush",        // crop seed item result 
      "plant_at": ["grass","dirt","podzol"] // valid blocks you can plant this item at.


Represents a single item.'Input' items will burn and transform into items specified in 'output'.

Item Example:

"format_version": "1.12.0",
"minecraft:item": {
  "description": {
  "identifier": "minecraft:apple"
  "components": {
    "minecraft:use_duration": 32,
    "minecraft:food": {
      "nutrition": 4,
      "saturation_modifier": "low"

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