



Loot table component used to set what loot table is used when a block is destroyed.
Name Type Default Value Description
table String The path of the loot table that this component will use.


The destroy time propety for a block
Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.0 Sets the destroy time property for the block. Greater numbers result in greater mining times.


The explosion resistance property for a block.
Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.0 Sets the explosion resistance for this block.


Property describing the friction for this block. Friction effects an entities movements when it walks on the block.
Name Type Default Value Description
value Decimal 0.1 Sets the friction property for this block.


Describes the flammable properties for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
flame_odds Integer 0 How likely the block will catch flame when next to a fire.
burn_odds Integer 0 How likely the block will be destroyed by flames when on fire.


Modifies the map color for a block.
Name Type Default Value Description
color String A color represented as a hex value. This will be the color rendered to a map.


How a block absorbs light
Name Type Default Value Description
value Integer 0 The amount of light this block will absorb. For ice blocks, this describes at what light level the ice will melt.


Makes the block emit light.
Name Type Default Value Description
emission Decimal 0.0 The amount of light this block will emit in a range [0.0, 1.0].

Block Definition Properties

These properties are part of the Block Definition. This helps the system determine how to parse and initialize this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
format_version Specifies the version of the game this entity was made in. If the version is lower than the current version, any changes made to the entity in the vanilla version will be applied to it.

Code Example

  "format_version": "1.10.0",
  "minecraft:block": {
   "components": {

Block Description Properties

Name Type Default Value Description
identifier String The identifier for this block. The name must include a namespace and must not use the Minecraft namespace unless overriding a Vanilla block.
register_to_creative_menu Boolean false Whether or not to register this block to the creative inventory menu.
is_experimental Boolean false If this block is experimental, it will only be registered if the world is marked as experimantal.

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