


These are the data format schemas for content creators to reference when editing or creating new content.


    version "format_version"[1,4294967295]
    object "animations"[1,4294967295]
        object "animation.<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
            bool "loop"[1,4294967295] : opt // should this animation loop or stop playing when finished
            molang "anim_time_update"[1,4294967295] : opt // how does time pass when playing the animation.  Defaults to "query.anim_time + query.delta_time" which means advance in seconds.
            molang "blend_weight"[1,4294967295] : opt
            bool "override_previous_animation"[1,4294967295] : opt // reset bones in this animation to the default pose before applying this animation
            object "bones"[1,4294967295] : opt
                object "<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                    object "relative_to"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "rotation"[1,4294967295] : opt // if set, makes the bone rotation relative to the entity instead of the bone's parent
                    molang "position"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    object "position"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295]
                            string "lerp_mode"[1,4294967295] : opt
                            array "pre"[3] : opt
                                molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                            array "post"[3] : opt
                                molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        array "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[3]
                            molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    array "position"[3] : opt
                        molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    molang "rotation"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "rotation"[3] : opt
                        molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    object "rotation"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295]
                            string "lerp_mode"[1,4294967295] : opt
                            array "pre"[3] : opt
                                molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                            array "post"[3] : opt
                                molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        array "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[3]
                            molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    molang "scale"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    object "scale"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295]
                            string "lerp_mode"[1,4294967295] : opt
                            array "pre"[3] : opt
                                molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                            array "post"[3] : opt
                                molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        array "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[3]
                            molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    array "scale"[3] : opt
                        molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
            object "particle_effects"[1,4294967295] : opt
                array "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "effect"[1,4294967295]
                        string "locator"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        molang "pre_effect_script"[1,4294967295] : opt
                object "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    string "effect"[1,4294967295]
                    string "locator"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    molang "pre_effect_script"[1,4294967295] : opt
            object "timeline"[1,4294967295] : opt
                string "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295] : opt
                array "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
            float "animation_length"[1,4294967295] : opt // override calculated value (set as the last keyframe time) and set animation length in seconds.

    version "format_version"[1,4294967295]
    object "animation_controllers"[1,4294967295]
        object "controller.animation.<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
            object "states"[1,4294967295]
                object "<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                    array "parameters"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    array "animations"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>"
                            array "<identifier>"[0,4294967295]
                                object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                                    float "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "transitions"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>" : opt
                            molang "<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                    array "particle_effects"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                            string "effect"[1,4294967295]
                            string "locator"[1,4294967295] : opt
                            string "pre_effect_script"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "on_entry"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "on_exit"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
            string "initial_state"[1,4294967295] : opt

    version "format_version"[1,4294967295]
    object "animation_controllers"[1,4294967295]
        object "controller.animation.<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
            object "states"[1,4294967295]
                object "<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                    object "variables"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                            molang "input"[1,4294967295]
                            object "remap_curve"[1,4294967295]
                                float "<any array element>(.<any array element>)?"[1,4294967295]
                    array "animations"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                            molang "<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                    array "transitions"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>" : opt
                            string "<identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                    object "blend_transition"[1,4294967295] : opt // Specifies the cross-fade time in seconds when transitioning to another state
                        float "<identifier>"[1,4294967295] // Mapping of time since the animation was canceled, to the blend value at that time.  A default key of time=0 to a blend value of 1.0 is provided if any other key is set and a blend value at time=0 hasn't already been set.
                    float "blend_transition"[1,4294967295] : opt // A short-hand version of blend_out that simply sets the amount of time to fade out if the animation is interrupted
                    array "particle_effects"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                            string "effect"[1,4294967295]
                            string "locator"[1,4294967295] : opt
                            string "pre_effect_script"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "on_entry"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "on_exit"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
            string "initial_state"[1,4294967295] : opt

    version "format_version"[1,4294967295]
    object "render_controllers"[1,4294967295]
        object "controller.render.<scope_identifier>"[1,4294967295]
            bool "rebuild_animation_matrices"[1,4294967295] : opt
            object "arrays"[1,4294967295] : opt
                object "geometries"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "array.<scope_identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                object "materials"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "array.<scope_identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                object "textures"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "array.<scope_identifier>"[1,4294967295]
                        string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
            string "geometry"[1,4294967295]
            array "part_visibility"[1,4294967295] : opt
                object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    molang "[a-zA-Z0-9_.:*]+"[1,4294967295]
            array "materials"[1,4294967295] : opt
                object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                    molang "[a-zA-Z0-9_.:*]+"[1,4294967295]
            array "textures"[1,4294967295] : opt
                string "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
            object "color"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "r"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "g"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "b"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "a"[1,4294967295] : opt
            object "overlay_color"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "r"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "g"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "b"[1,4294967295] : opt
                molang "a"[1,4294967295] : opt
            object "uv_anim"[1,4294967295] : opt
                array "offset"[2]
                    molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                array "scale"[2]
                    molang "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
            molang "light_color_multiplier"[1,4294967295] : opt
            bool "ignore_lighting"[1,4294967295] : opt

    version "format_version"[1,4294967295]
    object "geometry.<scope_identifier>"[0,4294967295]
        float "visible_bounds_width"[1,4294967295] : opt
        float "visible_bounds_height"[1,4294967295] : opt
        array "visible_bounds_offset"[3] : opt
            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
        int "texturewidth"[1,4294967295] : opt
        int "textureheight"[1,4294967295] : opt
        array "bones"[1,4294967295] : opt
            object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                string "name"[1,4294967295]
                bool "reset"[1,4294967295] : opt
                bool "neverRender"[1,4294967295] : opt
                string "parent"[1,4294967295] : opt
                array "pivot"[3] : opt
                    float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                array "rotation"[3] : opt
                    float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                array "bind_pose_rotation"[3] : opt
                    float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                bool "mirror"[1,4294967295] : opt
                float "inflate"[1,4294967295] : opt
                bool "debug"[1,4294967295] : opt
                array "cubes"[0,4294967295] : opt
                    object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        array "origin"[3] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        array "size"[3] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        array "uv"[2] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        float "inflate"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        bool "mirror"[1,4294967295] : opt
                object "locators"[1,4294967295] : opt
                    array "<identifier>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] : opt
                object "poly_mesh"[1,4294967295] : opt // ***EXPERIMENTAL*** A triangle or quad mesh object.  Can be used in conjunction with cubes and texture geometry.
                    array "normalized_uvs"[1,4294967295] : opt // If true, UVs are assumed to be [0-1].  If false, UVs are assumed to be [0-texture_width] and [0-texture_height] respectively.
                    array "positions"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        array "<any array element>"[3] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] // Vertex positions for the mesh.  Can be either indexed via the "polys" section, or be a quad-list if mapped 1-to-1 to the normals and UVs sections.
                    array "normals"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        array "<any array element>"[3] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] // Vertex normals.  Can be either indexed via the "polys" section, or be a quad-list if mapped 1-to-1 to the positions and UVs sections.
                    array "uvs"[1,4294967295] : opt
                        array "<any array element>"[2] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] // Vertex UVs.  Can be either indexed via the "polys" section, or be a quad-list if mapped 1-to-1 to the positions and normals sections.
                    array "polys"[1,4294967295]
                        array "<any array element>"[3,4] : opt
                            array "<any array element>"[3]
                                float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] // Poly element indices, as an array of polygons, each an array of either three or four vertices, each an array of indices into positions, normals, and UVs (in that order).
                    string "polys"[1,4294967295] // If not specifying vertex indices, arrays of data must be a list of tris or quads, set by making this property either "tri_list" or "quad_list"
                array "texture_meshes"[1,4294967295] : opt // ***EXPERIMENTAL*** Adds a mesh to the bone's geometry by converting texels in a texture into boxes
                    object "<any array element>"[1,4294967295]
                        string "texture"[1,4294967295] // The friendly-named texture to use.
                        array "offset"[3] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] // The offset (in entity space not bone space) of the texture geometry
                        array "rotation"[3] : opt
                            float "<any array element>"[1,4294967295] // The rotation (in degrees) of the texture geometry relative to the offset

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