Info: Blocks are experimental and may change in the future.


This is documentation for a preview release of Minecraft. New features, components, and capabilities in this release are not final and might change without notice before the final release.
Be sure to check the documentation once the release is out of preview if your add-on isn't working properly. Resource and Behavior Packs created for the preview are not guaranteed to work on the final release.



Block Components

Name Type Default Value Description
minecraft:aim_collision Boolean / JSON Object Describes the collision of the block for raycast and its outline. If set to false it disables the collision of the block with entities. An origin of [-8.0, 0.0, -8.0] with a size of [16, 16, 16] is a unit cube.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
Name Type Default Value Description
origin Vector [a, b, c] [-8.0, 0.0, -8.0] Minimal position Bounds of the selection box. Origin is specified as [x, y, z] and must be in the range (-8, 0, -8) to (8, 16, 8), inclusive
size Vector [a, b, c] [16.0, 16.0, 16.0] Size of each side of the selection box. Size is specified as [x, y, z]. Origin + size must be in the range (-8, 0, -8) to (8, 16, 8), inclusive
minecraft:block_light_emission Decimal 0.0 The amount of light this block will emit in a range [0.0, 1.0].
minecraft:breathability Enumerator solid The breathing type of this block that affects the breathing state of mobs when they have their breathing points inside this block. Available values: solid, air
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:collision_box Boolean / JSON Object true Defines the area of the block that collides with entities. If set to true, default values are used. If set to false, the block's collision with entities is disabled. If this component is omitted, default values are used.
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Name Type Default Value Description
origin Vector [a, b, c] [-8.0, 0.0, -8.0] Minimal position Bounds of the collision box. Origin is specified as [x, y, z] and must be in the range (-8, 0, -8) to (8, 16, 8), inclusive
size Vector [a, b, c] [16.0, 16.0, 16.0] Size of each side of the collision box. Size is specified as [x, y, z]. Origin + size must be in the range (-8, 0, -8) to (8, 16, 8), inclusive

minecraft:crafting_table JSON Object Describes the component of a custom crafting table. This component supports only "recipe_shaped" and "recipe_shapeless" typed recipes and not others like "recipe_furnace" or "recipe_brewing_mix". If there are two recipes for one item, the recipe book will pick the first that was parsed. If two input recipes are the same, crafting may assert and the resulting item may vary.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features


Defines the tags recipes should define to be crafted on this table. Limited to 64 tags. Each tag is limited to 64 characters.


Specifies the language file key that maps to what text will be displayed in the UI of this table. If the string given can not be resolved as a loc string, the raw string given will be displayed. If this field is omitted, the name displayed will default to the name specified in the display_name component. If this block has no display_name component, the name displayed will default to the name of the block.

minecraft:creative_category String Specifies the menu category and group for the block, which determine where this block is placed in the inventory and crafting table container screens. If this component is omitted, the block will not appear in the inventory or crafting table container screens.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features


Determines which category this block will be placed under in the inventory and crafting table container screens. Options are "construction", "nature", "equipment", "items", and "none". If omitted or "none" is specified, the block will not appear in the inventory or crafting table container screens.


Specifies the language file key that maps to which expandable/collapsible group this block will be a part of within a category. If the string given can not be resolved as a loc string, then we will check if there is an existing group whose name matches the raw string. If this field is omitted, or there is no group whose name matches the loc string or the raw string, this block will be placed standalone in the given category.

minecraft:destroy_time Decimal 0.0 Sets the destroy time property for the block. Greater numbers result in greater mining times. Time is measured in seconds with base equipment.
minecraft:display_name Localization String Specifies the language file key that maps to what text will be displayed when you hover over the block. Key is limited to 256 characters.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:explosion_resistance Decimal 0.0 How much power it can resist from explosion. Bigger the value is, more explosion power it blocks from explosion. If the value is less than remaining power from explosion, the block would destroy.
minecraft:flammable Boolean / JSON Object Describes the flammable properties for this block. If set to true, default values are used. If set to false, this block will not be able to catch on fire. If this component is omitted, the block will not be able to catch on fire naturally from neighbors or lava, but it can still be directly ignited, and that fire will be able to spread to neighbor blocks.

Name Type Default Value Description
catch_chance_modifier Integer 5 A modifier affecting the chance that this block will catch flame when next to a fire. Values are greater than or equal to 0, with a higher number meaning more likely to catch on fire. The default value of 5 is the same as that of Planks.
destroy_chance_modifier Integer 20 A modifier affecting the chance that this block will be destroyed by flames when on fire. Values are greater than or equal to 0, with a higher number meaning more likely to be destroyed by fire. The default value of 20 is the same as that of Planks.

minecraft:friction Decimal 0.6 Property describing the friction for this block in a range of [0.1, 1.0]. Friction affects an entity's movement speed when it travels on the block. Greater value results in less friction.
minecraft:geometry Identifier String The geometry description identifier to use, this identifier must match an existing geometry identifier in any of the currently loaded resource packs.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:light_dampening Integer 15 The amount that light will be dampened when it passes through the block, in a range (0-15). Higher value means the light will be dampened more.
minecraft:loot Path String The path to the loot table, relative to the behavior pack. Path string is limited to 256 characters.
minecraft:map_color String Sets the color of the block when rendered to a map. The color is represented as a hex value in the format "#RRGGBB". May also be expressed as an array of [R, G, B] from 0 to 255. If this component is omitted, the block will not show up on the map.
minecraft:material_instances JSON Object The material instances for a block. Maps face or material_instance names in a geometry file to an actual material instance. You can assign a material instance object to any of these faces: 'up', 'down', 'north', 'south', 'east', 'west', or '*'. You can also give an instance the name of your choosing such as 'my_instance', and then assign it to a face by doing 'north':'my_instance'.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features

Material Instance

A material instance definition to map to a material instance in a geometry file. The material instance '*' will be used for any materials that don't have a match.

Name Type Default Value Description
ambient_occlusion Boolean true Should this material have ambient occlusion applied when lighting? If true, shadows will be created around and underneath the block.
face_dimming Boolean true Should this material be dimmed by the direction it's facing?
render_method String opaque The render method to use. Must be one of these options:
'opaque' - Used for a regular block texture without an alpha layer. Does not allow for transparency or translucency.
'double_sided' - Used for completely disabling backface culling.
'blend' - Used for a block like stained glass. Allows for transparency and translucency (slightly transparent textures).
'alpha_test' - Used for a block like the vanilla (unstained) glass. Does not allow for translucency, only fully opaque or fully transparent textures. Also disables backface culling.
texture String Texture name for the material.

minecraft:part_visibility JSON Object Sets conditions for when the block's different parts are visible.
Experimental toggles required: Upcoming Creator Features
Name Type Default Value Description
conditions JSON Object A JSON object that contains a list of key/value pairs that map from bone name in a geometry file (key) to a condition that turns their rendering on/off (value). The condition should be a Molang query that uses block properties to determine true/false. Supported queries include 'has_block_property', 'block_property', and other queries that can evaluate without knowledge of the block's in-game positional or player affected data.

minecraft:placement_filter JSON Object Sets rules for under what conditions the block can be placed/survive
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List of conditions where the block can be placed/survive. Limited to 64 conditions.

Name Type Default Value Description
allowed_faces Array List of any of the following strings: up, down, north, south, east, west, side, all. Limited to 6 faces.
block_filter Array List of blocks (can use tags to specify them) that this block can be placed against in the allowed_faces direction. Limited to 64 blocks.

minecraft:queued_ticking JSON Object Triggers the specified event, either once, or at a regular interval equal to a number of ticks randomly chosen from the interval_range provided.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
Name Type Default Value Description
interval_range Array A range of values, specified in ticks, that will be used to decide the interval between times this event triggers. Each interval will be chosen randomly from the range, so the times between this event triggering will differ given an interval_range of two different values. If the values in the interval_range are the same, the event will always be triggered after that number of ticks.
looping Boolean true Does the event loop? If false, the event will only be triggered once, after a delay equal to a number of ticks randomly chosen from the interval_range. If true, the event will loop, and each interval between events will be equal to a number of ticks randomly chosen from the interval_range.
on_tick Trigger The event that will be triggered once or on an interval.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String 1 A condition using Molang queries that results to true/false. If true on the scheduled tick, the event will be triggered. If false on the scheduled tick, the event will not be triggered.
event String set_block_property The event that will be triggered.
target String self The target of the event executed by the block.
minecraft:random_ticking JSON Object Triggers the specified event randomly based on the random tick speed gamerule. The random tick speed determines how often blocks are updated. Some other examples of game mechanics that use random ticking are crop growth and fire spreading.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
Name Type Default Value Description
on_tick Trigger The event that will be triggered on random ticks.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String 1 A condition using Molang queries that results to true/false. If true on the random tick, the event will be triggered. If false on the random tick, the event will not be triggered.
event String set_block_property The event that will be triggered.
target String self The target of the event executed by the block.
minecraft:rotation Vector [a, b, c] rotation[0, 0, 0] This is the block's rotation around the center of the cube in degrees. The rotation order is x-y-z. Angles need to be in factors of 90.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:unit_cube JSON Object Specifies that a unit cube is to be used with tessellation.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:unwalkable Boolean false Sets the block as unwalkable. Mobs would not attempt to path over top of it when the value is set to true.

Block Definition Properties

These properties are part of the Block Definition. This helps the system determine how to parse and initialize this block.

Name Type Default Value Description
format_version String Specifies the version of the game this entity was made in. If the version is lower than the current version, any changes made to the entity in the vanilla version will be applied to it.

Code Example


  "format_version": "1.16.0",
  "minecraft:block": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "design:lavenderstone"
    "components": {
      "minecraft:loot": "loot_tables/chests/simple_dungeon.json",
      "minecraft:destroy_time": 4.0,
      "minecraft:friction": 0.6,
      "minecraft:map_color": "#00ff00",
      "minecraft:flammable": {
        "flame_odds": 50,
        "burn_odds": 0
      "minecraft:block_light_emission": 1.0

Block Description Properties

Name Type Default Value Description
identifier String The identifier for this block. The name must include a namespace and must not use the Minecraft namespace unless overriding a Vanilla block.

Block Event Responses

Event responses for block trigger components.

Name Type Default Value Description
add_mob_effect JSON Object Apply mob effect to target.
Name Type Default Value Description
amplifier Integer 0 The amplifier for the mob effect.
duration Decimal 0.0 The duration of the mob effect.
effect String The mob effect to apply.
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
damage JSON Object Deals damage to the target.
Name Type Default Value Description
amount Integer 0 The amount of damage to deal.
mob_amount Integer 0 The amount of damage to deal if held by a mob.
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
type String The type of damage to deal.
decrement_stack JSON Object Decrement item stack.
die JSON Object Kill target. If target is self and this is run from a block then destroy the block.
Name Type Default Value Description
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
play_effect JSON Object Spawns a particle effect relative to target position.
Name Type Default Value Description
data Integer 0 Particle data value.
effect String The name of the particle effect to create.
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
play_sound JSON Object Play a sound relative to target position.
Name Type Default Value Description
sound String The name of the sound to play.
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
remove_mob_effect JSON Object Removes mob effect from target.
Name Type Default Value Description
effect String The mob effect to remove. Use 'all' to remove all mob effects from target.
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
run_command JSON Object Triggers a slash command or a list of slash commands.
Name Type Default Value Description
command String Slash command to run.
command array Array List of slash commands to run.
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
set_block JSON Object Sets this block to another block type.
Name Type Default Value Description
block_type String The type of block to set.
set_block_at_pos JSON Object Sets a block relative to this block to another block type.
Name Type Default Value Description
block_offset Vector [a, b, c] [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] The offset from the block's center.
block_type String The type of block to set.
set_block_property JSON Object Sets a block property on this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
property Molang Block property to set on the block.
spawn_loot JSON Object Spawn loot from block.
Name Type Default Value Description
table String File path, relative to the Behavior Pack's path, to the loot table file.
swing JSON Object Event causes the actor to swing.
teleport JSON Object Teleport target randomly around destination point.
Name Type Default Value Description
avoid_water Boolean true Determines if the teleport avoids putting the target in water.
destination Vector [a, b, c] [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Origin destination of the teleport.
land_on_block Boolean true Determines if the teleport places the target on a block.
max_range Vector [a, b, c] [8.0, 8.0, 8.0] Max range the target can teleport relative to the origin destination.
target Minecraft Filter self The target context to execute against.
transform_item JSON Object Transforms item into another item.
Name Type Default Value Description
transform String Name of the item it should transform into

Code Example

Event Response Example

    "minecraft:block": {
      "description": {
        "identifier": "test:on_interact_change_state_block",
        "properties": {
          "minecraft:direction": {
      "components": {
        "minecraft:on_interact": {
          "event": "test_event"
      "events": {
        "test_event": {
          "set_block_property": {
            "minecraft:direction": "1"

Block Trigger Components

Name Type Default Value Description
minecraft:on_fall_on JSON Object Describes event for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String The condition of event to be executed on the block.
event String The event executed on the block.
min_fall_distance Decimal 0.0 The minimum distance in blocks that an actor needs to fall to trigger this event.
target String self The target of event executed on the block.
minecraft:on_interact JSON Object Describes event for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String The condition of event to be executed on the block.
event String The event executed on the block.
target String self The target of event executed on the block.
minecraft:on_placed JSON Object Describes event for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String The condition of event to be executed on the block.
event String The event executed on the block.
target String self The target of event executed on the block.
minecraft:on_player_destroyed JSON Object Describes event for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String The condition of event to be executed on the block.
event String The event executed on the block.
target String self The target of event executed on the block.
minecraft:on_player_placing JSON Object Describes event for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String The condition of event to be executed on the block.
event String The event executed on the block.
target String self The target of event executed on the block.
minecraft:on_step_off JSON Object Describes event for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String The condition of event to be executed on the block.
event String The event executed on the block.
target String self The target of event executed on the block.
minecraft:on_step_on JSON Object Describes event for this block.
Name Type Default Value Description
condition String The condition of event to be executed on the block.
event String The event executed on the block.
target String self The target of event executed on the block.

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