Info: Items are experimental and may change in the future.




To define an item, the item definition must be defined in the behavior pack in a JSON file.
All attributes, including item names, must be defined using item components.

Item Definition Properties

The properties are part of the Item Definition. This helps the system determine how to parse and initialize this item.

Name Type Default Value Description
format_version Specifies the version of the game this entity was made in. If the version is lower than the current version, any changes made to the entity in the vanilla version will be applied to it.
minecraft:item Item definition, which includes the "description" and "components" sections.

Code Example


  "format_version": "1.20.20",
  "minecraft:item": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "minecraft:blaze_rod"
    "components": {
      "minecraft:fuel": {
        "duration": 120.0
      "minecraft:max_stack_size": 64,
      "minecraft:icon": {
        "texture": "blaze_rod"
      "minecraft:hand_equipped": true,
      "minecraft:display_name": {
        "value": "Blaze Rod"

components v1.20.30

List of all components that used in this item.

Name Type Default Value Description
minecraft:allow_off_hand JSON Object The allow off hand component determines whether the item can be placed in the off hand slot of the inventory.
minecraft:block_placer JSON Object Block Placer item component. Items with this component will place a block when used.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)
minecraft:can_destroy_in_creative JSON Object The can destroy in creative component determines if the item will break blocks in creative when swinging.
minecraft:chargeable JSON Object Allows an item to be used over a duration.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:cooldown JSON Object Cool down time for a component. After you use an item, all items specified with the same `cool down category` setting becomes unusable for the duration specified by the 'cool down time' setting in this component.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)
minecraft:damage JSON Object The damage component determines how much extra damage the item does on attack.
minecraft:digger JSON Object Digger item component. You can specify how quickly this item can dig specific blocks.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.20)
minecraft:display_name JSON Object Display Name item component. Determines the text shown whenever an item's name is displayed (ex. hover text).
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)
minecraft:durability JSON Object Durability item component. Determines how much damage this item takes before breaking and allows the item to be combined in crafting.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)
minecraft:enchantable JSON Object The enchantable component determines what enchantments can be applied to the item. Not all enchantments will have an effect on all item components.
minecraft:entity_placer JSON Object Entity placer item component. You can specifiy allowed blocks that the item is restricted to.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)
minecraft:food JSON Object When an item has a food component, it becomes edible to the player.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.30)
minecraft:fuel JSON Object Fuel item component. Allows this item to be used as fuel in a furnace to 'cook' other items.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)
minecraft:glint JSON Object The glint component determines whether the item has the enchanted glint render effect on it.
minecraft:hand_equipped JSON Object This component determines if an item is rendered like a tool while in hand.
minecraft:hover_text_color JSON Object The hover text color component determines the color of the item name when hovering over it.
minecraft:icon JSON Object Icon item component. Determines the icon to represent the item in the UI and elsewhere.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)
minecraft:interact_button JSON Object This component is a boolean or string that determines if the interact button is shown in touch controls and what text is displayed on the button. When set as true, default "Use Item" text will be used.
minecraft:item_storage JSON Object The Storage Item Component is used for storing Items within an Item's User Data
Experimental toggles required: Vanilla Experiments Internal (NON_LOC)
minecraft:liquid_clipped JSON Object The liquid clipped component determines whether the item interacts with liquid blocks on use.
minecraft:max_stack_size JSON Object The max stack size component determines how many of the item can be stacked together.
minecraft:on_use JSON Object The on_use item component allows you to receive an event when the item is used.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:on_use_on JSON Object The on_use_on item component allows you to receive an event when the item is used on a block in the world.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:projectile JSON Object Projectile item component. projectile items shoot out, like an arrow.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)
minecraft:record JSON Object Record Item Component. Used by record items to play music.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)
minecraft:render_offsets JSON Object Render offsets component: optional values can be given to offset the way the item is rendered.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:repairable JSON Object Repairable item component. Determines the items that can be used to repair this item along with how much durability they repair.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)
minecraft:shooter JSON Object Shooter Item Component.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)
minecraft:should_despawn JSON Object Should despawn component determines if the item should eventually despawn while floating in the world
minecraft:stacked_by_data JSON Object The stacked by data component determines if the same item with different aux values can stack. Also defines whether the item actors can merge while floating in the world.
minecraft:throwable JSON Object Throwable item component. Throwable items, such as a snowball.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)
minecraft:use_animation JSON Object This component determines which animation plays when using the item.
minecraft:use_duration JSON Object This component determines how long the item takes to use when used in combination with components like Shooter, Throwable or Food.
minecraft:weapon JSON Object Weapon Item Component. Added to every weapon item such as axe, sword, trident, bow, crossbow.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features
minecraft:wearable JSON Object Wearable item component.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.20)

description v1.20.10

List of characters of an item. The description MUST contain an identifier; the other fields are optional.

Name Type Default Value Description
identifier String The identifier for this item. The name must include a namespace and must not use the Minecraft namespace unless overriding a Vanilla item.
menu_category JSON Object The creative group name and category for this item.

menu_category v1.20.10

The creative group name and category for this item.

Name Type Default Value Description
category "construction", "nature", "equipment", "items", "none" The Creative Category that this item belongs to. Defaults to "items".
group String The Creative Group that this item belongs to. Group name is limited to 256 characters.
is_hidden_in_commands Boolean Determines whether or not this item can be used with commands. Commands can use items by default.


The allow off hand component determines whether the item can be placed in the off hand slot of the inventory.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Boolean Whether the item can be placed in the off hand slot.


Block Placer item component. Items with this component will place a block when used.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)

Name Type Default Value Description
block JSON Object Defines the block that will be placed.
use_on Array List of block descriptors that contain blocks that this item can be used on. If left empty, all blocks will be allowed.


The can destroy in creative component determines if the item will break blocks in creative when swinging.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Boolean Whether the item can destroy blocks while in creative.


Allows an item to be used over a duration.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features

Name Type Default Value Description
movement_modifier Float Modifier value to scale the players movement speed when item is in use.
on_complete JSON Object Event trigger for when the item has completed its use duration.


Cool down time for a component. After you use an item, all items specified with the same `cool down category` setting becomes unusable for the duration specified by the 'cool down time' setting in this component.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)

Name Type Default Value Description
category JSON Object The type of cool down for this item. All items with a cool down component with the same category are put on cool down when one is used.
duration Float The duration of time (in seconds) items with a matching category will spend cooling down before becoming usable again.


The damage component determines how much extra damage the item does on attack.

Name Type Default Value Description
value How much extra damage the item does, must be a positive number.


Digger item component. You can specify how quickly this item can dig specific blocks.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.20)

Name Type Default Value Description
destroy_speeds Array A list of blocks to dig with correlating speeds of digging.
on_dig JSON Object In format versions before 1.20.20, trigger for when you dig a block that isn't listed in destroy_speeds
use_efficiency Boolean Whether this item should be impacted if the efficiency enchant is applied to it.


Display Name item component. Determines the text shown whenever an item's name is displayed (ex. hover text).
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)

Name Type Default Value Description
value String The display name for an item.


Durability item component. Determines how much damage this item takes before breaking and allows the item to be combined in crafting.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)

Name Type Default Value Description
damage_chance JSON Object Damage chance is the percentage chance of this item losing durability. Default is set to 100. Defined as an int range with min and max value.
max_durability Integer Max durability is the amount of damage that this item can take before breaking. This is a required parameter and has a minimum of 0.


The enchantable component determines what enchantments can be applied to the item. Not all enchantments will have an effect on all item components.

Name Type Default Value Description
slot String What enchantments can be applied (ex. Using `bow` would allow this item to be enchanted as if it were a bow).
value The value of the enchantment (minimum of 0).


Entity placer item component. You can specifiy allowed blocks that the item is restricted to.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)

Name Type Default Value Description
dispense_on Array List of block descriptors that contain blocks that this item can be dispensed on. If left empty, all blocks will be allowed.
entity JSON Object The entity to be placed in the world.
use_on Array List of block descriptors that contain blocks that this item can be used on. If left empty, all blocks will be allowed.

minecraft:food v1.20.30

When an item has a food component, it becomes edible to the player.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.30)

Name Type Default Value Description
can_always_eat Boolean If true you can always eat this item (even when not hungry). Default is set to false.
nutrition Integer The value that is added to the actor's nutrition when the item is used. Default is set to 0.
saturation_modifier Float Saturation Modifier is used in this formula: (nutrition * saturation_modifier * 2) when applying the saturation buff. Default is set to 0.6.
using_converts_to JSON Object When used, converts to the item specified by the string in this field. Default does not convert item.


Fuel item component. Allows this item to be used as fuel in a furnace to 'cook' other items.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)

Name Type Default Value Description
duration Float How long in seconds will this fuel cook items for.


The glint component determines whether the item has the enchanted glint render effect on it.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Boolean Whether the item has the glint effect.


This component determines if an item is rendered like a tool while in hand.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Boolean If the item is rendered like a tool while in hand.


The hover text color component determines the color of the item name when hovering over it.

Name Type Default Value Description
value JSON Object The color of the item's hover text.


Icon item component. Determines the icon to represent the item in the UI and elsewhere.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.0)

Name Type Default Value Description
texture String The key from the resource_pack/textures/item_texture.json 'texture_data' object associated with the texture file.


This component is a boolean or string that determines if the interact button is shown in touch controls and what text is displayed on the button. When set as true, default "Use Item" text will be used.

minecraft:item v1.20.30

Item definition, which includes the "description" and "components" sections.

Name Type Default Value Description
components JSON Object List of all components that used in this item.
description JSON Object List of characters of an item. The description MUST contain an identifier; the other fields are optional.


The Storage Item Component is used for storing Items within an Item's User Data
Experimental toggles required: Vanilla Experiments Internal (NON_LOC)

Name Type Default Value Description
capacity Integer The max capacity of the item, default is 64


The liquid clipped component determines whether the item interacts with liquid blocks on use.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Boolean Whether the item interacts with liquid blocks on use.


The max stack size component determines how many of the item can be stacked together.

Name Type Default Value Description
value How many of the item that can be stacked.


The on_use item component allows you to receive an event when the item is used.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features

Name Type Default Value Description
on_use JSON Object Event trigger for when the item is used.


The on_use_on item component allows you to receive an event when the item is used on a block in the world.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features

Name Type Default Value Description
on_use_on JSON Object Event trigger for when the item is used.


Projectile item component. projectile items shoot out, like an arrow.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)

Name Type Default Value Description
minimum_critical_power Float How long you must charge a projectile for it to critically hit.
projectile_entity JSON Object The entity to be fired as a projectile.


Record Item Component. Used by record items to play music.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)

Name Type Default Value Description
comparator_signal Integer Signal strength for comparator blocks to use, from 1 - 13.
duration Float Duration of sound event in seconds, float value.
sound_event "", "jump.prevent", "item.use.on", "hit", "step", "break", "swim", "mob.player.hurt_drown", "", "fly", "horn_call4", "jump", "place", "heavy.step", "gallop", "fall", "hurt", "fizz", "ambient.screamer", "", "", "death", "flap", "", "", "ambient", "", "", "ignite", "ambient.tame", "thunder", "random.anvil_use", "ambient.pollinate", "breathe", "mad", "boost", "bow", "squish.big", "squish.small", "fall.big", "fall.small", "splash", "drink", "shear", "block.end_portal_frame.fill", "drink.honey", "drink.milk", "pick_berries.cave_vines", "born", "eat", "reappeared", "takeoff", "shake", "plop", "land", "saddle", "armor", "item_taken", "", "add.chest", "record.5", "throw", "attack", "block.frog_spawn.hatch", "attack.nodamage", "attack.strong", "listening_angry", "warn", "sonic_charge", "milk", "bundle.remove_one", "explode", "fire", "fuse", "block.frog_spawn.break", "stare", "spawn", "bundle.drop_contents", "shoot", "break.block", "launch", "blast", "horn_call2", "large.blast", "twinkle", "step_sand", "remedy", "unfect", "", "convert_to_drowned", "horn_call6", "levelup", "bow.hit", "brush_completed", "bullet.hit", "", "fence_gate.close", "item.fizz", "", "button.click_on", "chest.closed", "", "pickup_enchanted", "shulkerbox.closed", "", "pumpkin.carve", "enderchest.closed", "power.on", "break_pot", "", "attach", "pickup", "detach", "deny", "record.relic", "tripod", "pop", "drop.slot", "note", "mob.pig.death", "thorns", "", "block.sniffer_egg.hatch", "piston.out", "portal", "undefined", "water", "lava.pop", "lava", "celebrate", "beacon.activate", "beacon.ambient", "block.smithing_table.use", "beacon.deactivate", "beacon.power", "pre_ram.screamer", "conduit.activate", "conduit.ambient", "", "conduit.attack", "conduit.deactivate", "glow_squid.ink_squirt", "conduit.short", "bubble.pop", "bubble.up", "tilt_up.big_dripleaf", "bubble.upinside", "power.on.sculk_sensor", "bubble.down", "bubble.downinside", "burp", "bucket.fill.water", "ambient.underwater.enter", "bucket.empty.water", "bucket.fill.lava", "bucket.empty.lava", "", "drip.water.pointed_dripstone", "", "armor.equip_chain", "armor.equip_diamond", "armor.equip_elytra", "armor.equip_generic", "armor.equip_gold", "armor.equip_iron", "armor.equip_leather", "armor.equip_netherite", "record.13", "", "record.blocks", "record.chirp", "record.far", "record.mall", "record.mellohi", "record.stal", "record.strad", "record.ward", "record.11", "record.wait", "cast.spell", "record.pigstep", "record.otherside", "flop", "elderguardian.curse", "teleport", "", "trapdoor.close", "shulker.close", "mob.warning", "", "haggle", "pressure_plate.click_on", "haggle.yes", "", "haggle.idle", "disappeared", "chorusgrow", "door.close", "chorusdeath", "glass", "potion.brewed", "prepare.attack", "roar", "prepare.summon", "prepare.wololo", "ambient.warped_forest.loop", "fang", "charge", "particle.soul_escape.quiet", "camera.take_picture", "block.bell.hit", "leashknot.break", "", "growl", "block.composter.fill_success", "whine", "pant", "block.sweet_berry_bush.hurt", "purr", "purreow", "", "death.min.volume", "death.mid.volume", "block.composter.empty", "imitate.blaze", "imitate.cave_spider", "ui.stonecutter.take_result", "imitate.creeper", "imitate.elder_guardian", "", "imitate.ender_dragon", "imitate.enderman", "imitate.evocation_illager", "", "imitate.ghast", "imitate.husk", "convert_mooshroom", "imitate.illusion_illager", "imitate.magma_cube", "block.smoker.smoke", "imitate.polar_bear", "imitate.shulker", "raid.horn", "imitate.silverfish", "imitate.skeleton", "imitate.slime", "imitate.spider", "", "imitate.stray", "imitate.vex", "imitate.vindication_illager", "imitate.witch", "imitate.wither", "imitate.wither_skeleton", "block.beehive.enter", "imitate.wolf", "imitate.zombie", "tempt", "imitate.zombie_pigman", "imitate.zombie_villager", "block.end_portal.spawn", "bottle.dragonbreath", "balloonpop", "", "item.trident.hit", "respawn_anchor.basalt_deltas.mood", "item.trident.hit_ground", "respawn_anchor.charge", "item.trident.return", "item.trident.riptide_1", "angry", "item.trident.riptide_2", "item.trident.riptide_3", "retreat", "item.trident.throw", "item.trident.thunder", "smithing_table.use", "block.fletching_table.use", "", "respawn_anchor.set_spawn", "icebomb.hit", "ambient.soulsand_valley.mood", "lt.reaction.icebomb", "lt.reaction.bleach", "lt.reaction.epaste", "lt.reaction.epaste2", "heartbeat", "lt.reaction.fertilizer", "lt.reaction.fireball", "ambient.crimson_forest.loop", "lt.reaction.mgsalt", "lt.reaction.miscfire", "cauldron_drip.water.pointed_dripstone", "", "lt.reaction.miscexplosion", "ambient.basalt_deltas.additions", "lt.reaction.miscmystical", "lt.reaction.miscmystical2", "ambient.nether_wastes.loop", "lt.reaction.product", "sparkler.use", "bucket.fill.powder_snow", "glowstick.use", "block.turtle_egg.break", "sleep", "block.turtle_egg.crack", "block.turtle_egg.hatch", "block.turtle_egg.attack", "block.sniffer_egg.crack", "swoop", "presneeze", "ambient.candle", "sneeze", "tongue", "scared", "ambient.aggressive", "", "ambient.worried", "cant_breed", "block.scaffolding.climb", "jump_to_block", "", "block.sculk_shrieker.shriek", "crossbow.loading.start", "crossbow.loading.middle", "cake.add_candle", "crossbow.loading.end", "crossbow.shoot", "agitated", "crossbow.quick_charge.start", "crossbow.quick_charge.middle", "charge.sculk", "crossbow.quick_charge.end", "nearby_closer", "item.shield.block", "admire", "", "block.grindstone.use", "block.campfire.crackle", "block.sweet_berry_bush.pick", "block.stonecutter.use", "block.cartography_table.use", "block.composter.fill", "block.composter.ready", "stun", "block.barrel.close", "ui.cartography_table.take_result", "ui.loom.take_result", "block.blastfurnace.fire_crackle", "block.loom.use", "screech", "block.furnace.lit", "milk_suspiciously", "block.beehive.exit", "block.beehive.shear", "block.beehive.drip", "ambient.cave", "converted_to_zombified", "step_lava", "panic", "particle.soul_escape.loud", "respawn_anchor.deplete", "respawn_anchor.ambient", "ambient.crimson_forest.mood", "ambient.warped_forest.mood", "ambient.nether_wastes.mood", "ambient.crimson_forest.additions", "ambient.warped_forest.additions", "ambient.soulsand_valley.additions", "ambient.nether_wastes.additions", "ambient.soulsand_valley.loop", "ambient.basalt_deltas.loop", "lodestone_compass.link_compass_to_lodestone", "", "default", "ram_impact.screamer", "lay_egg", "lay_spawn", "bucket.empty.powder_snow", "cauldron_drip.lava.pointed_dripstone", "tilt_down.big_dripleaf", "drip.lava.pointed_dripstone", "copper.wax.on", "scrape", "item.spyglass.use", "item.spyglass.stop_using", "chime.amethyst_block", "mob.player.hurt_on_fire", "mob.player.hurt_freeze", "hurt.screamer", "death.screamer", "milk.screamer", "pre_ram", "ram_impact", "squid.ink_squirt", "convert_to_stray", "extinguish.candle", "", "block.sculk_catalyst.bloom", "nearby_close", "nearby_closest", "listening", "item_given", "item_thrown", "irongolem.crack", "horn_break", "horn_call0", "horn_call1", "horn_call3", "horn_call5", "horn_call7", "imitate.warden", "sonic_boom", "convert_to_frog", "block.sculk.spread", "", "", "block.enchanting_table.use", "bundle.insert", "dash_ready", "pressure_plate.click_off", "button.click_off", "", "", "", "insert", "insert_enchanted", "shatter_pot", "brush", "block.sign.waxed_interact_fail", "note.bass", "mob.husk.convert_to_zombie", "mob.hoglin.converted_to_zombified", "ambient.underwater.exit" Sound event type: 13, cat, blocks, chirp, far, mall, mellohi, stal, strad, ward, 11, wait, pigstep, otherside, 5, relic.


Render offsets component: optional values can be given to offset the way the item is rendered.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features

Name Type Default Value Description
main_hand JSON Object Main hand transform data.
off_hand JSON Object Offhand hand transform data.


Repairable item component. Determines the items that can be used to repair this item along with how much durability they repair.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)

Name Type Default Value Description
repair_items Array List of repair item entries. Each entry needs to define a list of strings for `items` that can be used for the repair and an optional `repair_amount` for how much durability is repaired.


Shooter Item Component.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)

Name Type Default Value Description
ammunition Array Ammunition.
charge_on_draw Boolean Charge on draw? Default is set to false.
max_draw_duration JSON Object Draw Duration. Default is set to 0.
scale_power_by_draw_duration Boolean Scale power by draw duration? Default is set to false.


Should despawn component determines if the item should eventually despawn while floating in the world

Name Type Default Value Description
value Boolean Whether the item should eventually despawn while floating in the world


The stacked by data component determines if the same item with different aux values can stack. Also defines whether the item actors can merge while floating in the world.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Boolean Whether the same item with different aux values can stack. Also defines whether the item actors can merge while floating in the world.


Throwable item component. Throwable items, such as a snowball.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.10)

Name Type Default Value Description
do_swing_animation Boolean Whether the item should use the swing animation when thrown. Default is set to false.
launch_power_scale Float The scale at which the power of the throw increases. Default is set to 1.0.
max_draw_duration Float The maximum duration to draw a throwable item. Default is set to 0.0.
max_launch_power Float The maximum power to launch the throwable item. Default is set to 1.0.
min_draw_duration Float The minimum duration to draw a throwable item. Default is set to 0.0.
scale_power_by_draw_duration Boolean Whether or not the power of the throw increases with duration charged. Default is set to false.


This component determines which animation plays when using the item.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Which animation to play when using the item.


This component determines how long the item takes to use when used in combination with components like Shooter, Throwable or Food.

Name Type Default Value Description
value Float How long the item takes to use in seconds.


Weapon Item Component. Added to every weapon item such as axe, sword, trident, bow, crossbow.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features

Name Type Default Value Description
on_hit_block JSON Object Trigger for letting you know when this item is used to hit a block
on_hurt_entity JSON Object Trigger for letting you know when this item is used to hurt another mob
on_not_hurt_entity JSON Object Trigger for letting you know when this item hit another actor, but didn't do damage


Wearable item component.
Experimental toggles required: Holiday Creator Features (in format versions before 1.20.20)

Name Type Default Value Description
protection Integer How much protection the wearable item has. Default is set to 0.
slot "slot.weapon.offhand", "slot.armor.head", "slot.armor.chest", "slot.armor.legs", "slot.armor.feet" Determines where the item can be worn. If any non-hand slot is chosen, the max stack size is set to 1.

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