Minecraft client_biome files define client-side settings for biomes in resource packs.This is the new preferred location for per-biome settings that used to be in biomes_client.json.(As of base game version 1.21.40, biomes_client.json is no longer loaded from built-in Vanilla resource packs. That file will still be loaded for other content regardless of version, and worlds using older base game versions will also still use it.)These files are not part of the 'Custom Biomes' experiment and do not cause biome definitions to exist on their own, but they can be used to customize client-side settings of custom biomes.
Here is a sample client_biome file.
{ "format_version": "1.21.40", "minecraft:client_biome": { "description": { "identifier": "the_end" }, "components": { "minecraft:sky_color": { "sky_color": "#000000" }, "minecraft:fog_appearance": { "fog_identifier": "minecraft:fog_the_end" }, "minecraft:water_appearance": { "surface_color": "#62529e" } } } }
Any components that this Client Biome uses
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
minecraft:ambient_sounds | Object | Optional | Set the ambient sounds for the biome. These sounds must be in the 'individual_named_sounds' in a 'sounds.json' file. |
minecraft:biome_music | Object | Optional | Affect how music plays within the biome |
minecraft:fog_appearance | Object | Optional | Set the fog settings used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default fog settings. |
minecraft:foliage_appearance | Object | Optional | Set the foliage color or color map used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default foliage appearance. |
minecraft:grass_appearance | Object | Optional | Set the grass color or color map used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default grass appearance. |
minecraft:sky_color | Object | Optional | Set the sky color used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default sky color behavior. |
minecraft:water_appearance | Object | Optional | Set the water surface color used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default water surface color behavior. |
Contains a description and components to define a Client Biome.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
components | Object of type Client Biome Components | Required | Components for this Client Biome. |
description | Object of type Client Biome Description | Required | Non-component settings, including the Client Biome name. |
Contains non-component settings for a Client Biome.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
identifier | String | Required | The name of the Client Biome, used by other features like the '/locate biome' command. Must match the name of a Biome defined by the game or a behavior pack. |
Contains a format version and a Client Biome definition
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
format_version | String | Required | Version of the JSON schema used by this file |
minecraft:client_biome | Object of type Client Biome Definition | Required | A single Client Biome definition, containing rendering or sound settings related to a Biome defined by the game or a behavior pack |
Object specifying a color map for foliage instead of a specific color.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
color_map | "foliage", "birch", "evergreen", "mangrove_swamp_foliage", "swamp_foliage" | Required | Color map from textures/colormap to determine color of foliage. |
Object specifying a color map for grass instead of a specific color.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
color_map | "grass", "swamp_grass" | Required | Color map from textures/colormap to determine color of grass. |
Set the ambient sounds for the biome. These sounds must be in the 'individual_named_sounds' in a 'sounds.json' file.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
addition | String | Optional | Named sound that occasionally plays at the listener position |
loop | String | Optional | Named sound that loops while the listener position is inside the biome |
mood | String | Optional | Named sound that rarely plays at a nearby air block position when the light level is low. Biomes without an ambient mood sound will use the 'ambient.cave' sound. |
Affect how music plays within the biome
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
volume_multiplier | Float | Optional | Multiplier temporarily and gradually applied to music volume when within this biome. Must be a value between 0 and 1, inclusive. |
Set the fog settings used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default fog settings.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
fog_identifier | String | Required | Identifier of fog definition to use |
Set the foliage color or color map used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default foliage appearance.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
color | Object of type Color255RGB or Object of type Foliage Color Map | Optional | RGB color of foliage, or a Foliage Color Map object. |
Set the grass color or color map used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default grass appearance.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
color | Object of type Color255RGB or Object of type Grass Color Map | Optional | RGB color of grass. |
Set the sky color used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default sky color behavior.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
sky_color | Object of type Color255RGB | Required | RGB color of the sky |
Set the water surface color used during rendering. Biomes without this component will have default water surface color behavior.
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
surface_color | Object of type Color255RGB | Required | RGB color of the water surface |
surface_opacity | Float | Optional | Opacity of the water surface (must be between 0 for invisible and 1 for opaque, inclusive) |